UnMute Yourself, Day 7

Tuhina Verma Rasche
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2020

Ezekiel 36:26a: I will give you a new normal and put a new spirit in you.

Today’s featured contributor is Sandhya Jha. Sandhya is an anti-oppression trainer, part of the team at the Oakland Peace Center, and an ordained Disciples of Christ pastor launching a new project around connecting with ancestors to dismantle white supremacy.

For today’s contribution, Sandhya writes, “I was invited to contribute in any fashion for the day called “The New Normal,” which [was] put in conversation with the scripture Ezekiel 36:26a (Behold, I do a new thing). I wrote a song based on the interplay between that common phrase of the COVID era and that ancient text. I hope it helps you connect with divine possibilities this advent season.”

Check back here throughout the season of Advent for featured contributors offering their reflections. While it may not be daily (#thanks2020), there will be content featured here.

Interested in following along and contributing to #UnmuteYourself? Follow along with the hashtag on social media.

The prompts for the entire season of Advent are as follows:



Tuhina Verma Rasche

Pastoring Lutheran-style in Silicon Valley. (Un)Intended disruptor. Loves/ freaked out by Jesus. Indian-American living life in the hyphen.