Who Inspires You?

Emily Dietrich
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2019

Inspiration can be a difficult concept to define. If you Google it, there are a lot of varying definitions that come up.

  • “A divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation.” Source: Merriam-Webster.com
  • “The excitement of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.” Source: Thefreedictionary.com
  • “The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially something creative.” Source: Oxforddictionaries.com

The first thing you need to do is think about what the word “inspiration” means to you.

If someone inspires me, it means that their words or actions motivate me with new, creative ideas. I want to take this time to showcase a few artists who have inspired me in one way or another.

Who Inspires Me?

1. Sylessae

It’s interesting to think about how many people we’ve inspired without even meeting them. This art account on Twitter is no exception.

I followed Sylessae when I was beginning my digital journey and I am very glad I did. Their artwork is just as amazing as their personality.

When they say they are a positivity enthusiast, they mean it. Not only do they share work from other artists, they also provide a lot of advice and support for newer artists.

These are just a few of the things Sylessae has Tweeted that have inspired me. When I’m feeling down about my art, I like to look through their Twitter.

If I ever gain a big following for my art, I definitely want to be like Sylessae. Their streams on Twitch can be found here.

2. Chase

One of my best friends also loves to draw. We bonded over a mutual love for video games which turned into a mutual love for art.

We have the type of friendship where we inspire one another consistently.

When Inktober came around, we both decided to participate. Seeing his art on my timeline inspired me to keep up with the challenge. Seeing my art on his timeline inspired him to try the iPad and Procreate.

Chase’s Drawing of Cat and Bird

He and I are both trying our hands at making GIFs on Procreate. I’m really thankful for having a friendship which fuels my artistic fire.

On Instagram, we’ll usually comment on each other’s artwork. It’s really encouraging to have someone be a big fan of something you’re passionate about. Conversely, it’s a great feeling being a big fan of someone else’s passions, too.

Who Inspires You?

I encourage everyone, regardless of your profession, to think about what inspiration means to you as well as who inspires you. You might be surprised at what you find out.

Feel free to let me know in the comments below!



Emily Dietrich

Aspiring graphic designer. Blogging to reflect on my progress in digital art and its mediums.