The Privacy Nightmare Keeping CEOs Up at Night

Akanksha Mishra
3 min readJun 15, 2024
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Let’s be real — data privacy isn’t exactly a sexy topic. Unless you’re a lawyer or compliance geek, terms like “GDPR” and “data subject rights” probably make your eyes glaze over.

But here’s the thing — getting data privacy wrong can spell disaster for businesses today. We’re talking millions in fines, customer abandonment, and a trashed reputation.

I don’t need to tell you how ugly those recent mega data breaches were. Billions (with a ‘B’!) of consumer records exposed, just like that. Talk about a corporate nightmare fuel.

Even if you weren’t directly hit, people are watching like hawks for how companies respond to these messes. Nobody wants to be seen as the next neglecter of sensitive personal data.

The stats are scary: 87% of consumers said they’d straight up REFUSE to do business with a company over data privacy worries. Yikes.

It gets worse — 71% will peace out if you mishandle their private data without permission. And that’s not even factoring in those eye-watering GDPR fines from european regulators.

Look, I get it. Revamping data practices to comply with all the rules and regulations is a massive pain. But at this point, there’s just no excuse for organizations to keep dropping the ball on privacy.

Consumers may be most lenient with healthcare and finance companies holding their data. But even those trusted industries haven’t hit a 50% confidence rating yet. THE BAR IS ON THE FLOOR!

So here’s the million dollar question: WTF are businesses supposed to do to get privacy compliant and keep customers happy?

I’m not talking short-term band-aid fixes either. You need to build a legit culture of ethical data practices from the top-down. Implement the right privacy tools, policies and personnel. Make data rights and secure data handling core to your operations.

It’s time to get serious about privacy or be prepared to pay the price. Your lid-flipping CEO nightmares are just beginning if you don’t.

You’ve probably heard those four ominous letters before — GDPR. No, it’s not some secret government project. Though for companies that ignore it, it might as well be a classified nightmare.

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It’s the European Union’s big honkin’ rule book on data privacy and protection. Ignore it at your own risk because those fines are no joke.

At its core, GDPR is all about giving consumers control over their personal data. It grants folks a whole bill of data rights that companies MUST respect.

Think about things like the right for people to access all the personal info a company has on them. Or the ability to get inaccurate data corrected. There’s even the “right to be forgotten” which lets people request data deletion under certain circumstances.

Seems reasonable when you consider how much of our personal deets companies are constantly harvesting and storing, right? GDPR says if we’re giving up that data, we better maintain some sovereignty over it.

The law applies to any company operating in Europe or handling European consumers’ data. But privacy advocates argue data rights should be the global standard.

After all, researchers found a whopping two-thirds of data requests from people go unresolved by businesses. I don’t know about you, but having my personal info just lazily ignored doesn’t sit right.

Long story short — companies need to get their act together on data rights and privacy practices. GDPR proved there’s an appetite for giving people control back over their data.

Whether it’s strict compliance with regulations or just smart ethical practices, respecting data privacy isn’t a nice-to-have anymore. It’s an existential priority for any business that wants to survive data scandals.

