Its Not About Digital…

Beth Bell
The Digital Fund
Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2019

If you are anything like me, you may have some trepidation when thinking about digital and grant making. You may think you don’t know enough about software design, or about beta testing, or about algorithms. Or you may know lots about those, but can’t see how to embed that knowledge into grant making.

The truth is, in my experience, you don’t need to know a lot about the nuts and bolts. In fact, I’d encourage you not to think about digital at all. Think about people and families and places. Think about communities and what they need to thrive. And then think about how the organisations we support need to evolve to support and empower those communities.

Its Not About Digital. It is about many of the things you already know. About needs, and resources, and ultimately making lives better. But it is also about the future and using our power and influence to create space for organisations to explore how they can deliver sustainably, fairly and at scale.

We still need to make hard choices about what to fund. Digital is not another criteria to add, or add on to core assessment priorities. It is core to grant making for the future.



Beth Bell
The Digital Fund

working with Food Ethics Council and Belfast Sustainable Food Partnership to transform food systems for a decent future for everyone