Cook an AI strategy for your Industry 4.0

Giacomo Veneri
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2019

Artificial Intelligence is not wizardry, but, for sure, is a glamour buzzword for many and many industries.

Normally, in a management meeting, we can meet 3 kinds of “personas”: crazy enthusiast, incurable pessimist, practical possibilistic. Nobody has a right mindset to be an AI entrepreneur. To build an AI Digital Strategy, starting from an old-style industry, we need to put six ingredients in our pot:

  1. Spices: set ambitious targets
  2. Veggies: be ready to fail
  3. Meal: build a platform not a product
  4. Salt: build the community
  5. Stir-frying: build and agile roadmap
  6. Serve in a tray: democratize your data

Set ambitious targets

Ambitious target, doesn’t mean “to solve hunger in the world”. The purpose of AI is to make your industry fully automatic to improve productivity; so that, disrupt immediately silos and pessimistic approach and project your mindset in the future. Targets have to be blessed by management board; so that, involve management board from the beginning.

Be Ready to fail

Despite the famous sentences “if you have to fail, fail fast” or “be happy when you fail”, failing is not a good thing, but sometime it helps to understand the next steps. The success of AI projects is about the 40%, but we need to embrace the challenge. The first step to accomplish a real digital AI strategy is to build few lighthouse projects to test your team and to prepare the culture. Then, you can build your AI platform.

Build a platform not a simple product

Product Management requires a clear, “moderate” and monetizable investment, but digital (AI) transformation requires more than a simple project management approach. AI is pretty new also for “digital peoples”. AI is not like ERP or Office tools, AI is a platform. Building a platform can start from small, but flexibility and scalability is a must to have.

Build the community

Data Scientist and Data Engineers are used to work as community. Think this community as a self-organizing team, they have to share ideas, tools and codes, but they need clear targets and measurable objectives. This community needs to spend the 1/3 of the resource on experimenting, 1/3 on building the platform, 1/3 on building solutions.

If the industry works from several years in a silos way, instead of disrupting the wall of these silos, build your “influencers program” and promote digital advocates in each function.

Build and agile roadmap

Build your roadmap and review it recurrently; every six months is good “tic tac time”. Technologies change continuously and market’s targets too.

Democratize your data

Finally, share the data among the company. Avoid silos so that proactive people can find join between data-set and accelerate ideas.

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