13/01/23 The week I realigned to (my) vision

Daniela Valdes
Digitalling the NHS
3 min readJan 13, 2023
Image of ‘Vision’ from the MCU. Robot-like person in red and grey with a bright spot in their forehead

Figuring out what it means to create a culture of digital innovation in BHT

Dipping my toes in the water! I’m using Andy Callow’s week notes prompts.

Who did you talk to outside of your organisation?

Corresponded with Patricia at Geneva Pearl regarding participating in a podcast about engagement when being in a new position. I also spoke to our vendor Service Now and colleagues in the Council around our data flows to support discharge. Colleagues at QA about apprenticeships for our teams.

  • What would you have liked to do more of?

More networking — Due to last minute changes in plans I missed the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Session this month.

More reflecting — Hence why these notes are no more than bullet points and way after the end of the day.

  • What do you wish you could have changed?

My (lack) of resolve of going for a walk no matter the weather. Total failure this week in that regard. My stepcount was almost non-existent.

  • What did you learn?

I reflected with a colleague and my coach about the importance of realigning with our vision. This is what help us prioritise, avoid overstretching ourselves in wanting to help others and set boundaries.

I also realised that through coaching I have become more resilient and able to catalyse conflict towards collaboration. It felt good to look back and realise I’ve grown.

  • What did you enjoy?

Started to coach a colleague in our team. When I asked them what they thought my background was they said ‘psychology, coaching?’ — quite a surprise for them when I shared I was an ‘numbers person’, an economist with a minor in maths. Very early on in my career I realised I drew energy from being around people, but I also need the balance of being able to reflect and deep think.

  • What did you achieve?

I published yet another digital tip — I’m on a mission to eradicate attachments.

We’re preparing to release information to colleagues on how to access apprenticeships within our team.

Hitting ‘publish’ on this story/weeknote, something I had planned since I started on this role almost three months ago.

Finished the first books of the year: Hope and Glory (Fiction) and Digital Transformation at Scale: Why the Strategy Is Delivery. Will be reading another fiction book and a book on Product Leadership as I prepare to transition in my NED role with Hexitime.

  • What are you looking forward to next week?

Lots of coming together, strategising in our team and with senior leaders at the Trust.

  • When did I live the org’s values this week? When didn’t I?

I felt totally aligned when working my coaching task this week. I felt I was less aligned to ‘aspire’, when I restraint ambitions and aspirations of what I would like to achieve given the limitations in staffing, resources or funding.



Daniela Valdes
Digitalling the NHS

Healthcare executive and Computer/Data Scientist academic in the making. Writes about (global)health, PhD weeknotes