Looking to Implement IoT? Know the Three P’s, by Phani Bhushan Sistu

DC Team
Digitally Cognizant
3 min readOct 3, 2016

Sensors in devices. Data-streaming. Cloud storage and analytics. Feedback loops. Much of today’s market discussion around the Internet of Things (IoT) is focused on the individual components.

But digital initiatives that are isolated in silos and not connected to strategy are bad: they tie up valuable resources, fail to connect with customers, and can result in increased costs.

Digital doesn’t promise transformation unless the functional and independent components of an IoT solution are integrated. Done right, IoT offers the opportunity to build a vertically-integrated digital business that links to and is guided by strategy, serving the longer-term objective of ensuring a better customer experience of products, services, and a company’s brand.

Realizing such a vision and program is complex. It puts IT strategy at center-stage: having internal IT support and improving experiences at every touchpoint while staying connected to marketing and business development are critical.

Companies need to build smart products, develop smart processes, and design smart places that enable transfor­mation across the extended value chain. These are the three Ps needed for integrating the discrete elements of IoT.

Start with smart, then build smart “products”

Developing the next generation of connected products and services demands that organizations review the product life-cycle end-to-end — from concept and product development to engineering and commercialization — to allow for and leverage cloud-based, mobility, and analytics technologies.

Succeeding depends on design engineering platforms that span hardware, mechanical, firmware, and software; installation configuration and application user guides; verification processes and validation testing across unit functions and systems; updated manufacturing standards and environmental regulatory compliance; and life-cycle management across product, services, and applications.

Scaling smart IoT “processes”

We’re helping large manufacturing enterprises benefit from the convergence of information technology and operational technologies, developing and deploying IoT solutions to transform, optimize, and connect operations in process-focused industries and in other industry sectors. This can range from instrumentation for heavy machinery and shop-floor operations to improving existing IoT solutions by augmenting clients’ internal capabilities to building custom solutions, including for predictive maintenance, logistics and fleet management, inventory, energy management, and space optimization.

Companies can achieve better business outcomes with IoT at scale. They can prototype and build digital business models. They can speed their time-to-market, better control total cost of ownership, and mitigate risk. They can improve capacity, leveraging new and evolving technologies. And they can benchmark to industry best practices.

This is where Cognizant helps clients, leveraging our long-time strengths in process design and engineering, strategy and digital systems design, and deep knowledge of industry to help companies create a streamlined, integrated IoT solution at scale.

Designing smart “places”

Commercial operations can also transform their business. A “Smart Store,” for example, can bridge the digital and the physical — giving retail outlets a strategic advantage against online-only retailers. Insurers can benefit from visibility into how customers use connected buildings or smart homes, and can customize policies based on data about such use.

Each industry requires a different approach to realize value, each organization its own solution. With our foundational technology skills, accelerators, and strategic partnerships, we can help your organization conceive and develop experimental pilots, build prototypes, and transition to IoT at scale. Deeply knowledgeable in engineering, manufacturing, and the commercial sector, we focus on each client individually to apply the relevant skillsets, technology capabilities, and partner relationships.

Smart products, processes, and places. Think the “Three Ps.” And add a fourth: people who help get these done.

Are you planning an IoT initiative in 2017? Let me know. I can share further insights on how to get started. Read more about IoT on our Digitally Cognizant blog.

Opinions expressed in this blog are of the author and may not represent Cognizant’s point of view.

Phani Bhushan Sistu

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Originally published at digitally.cognizant.com on October 3, 2016.

