Jack’s S2R Southend Highlights

Kevin Field
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2016


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During the course we learnt how to write newspaper articles, promote the work we had done online and Vox Pop, which involved asking members of the public questions. Most of the work we did was linked to Southend United, such as interviewing some players from Southends first and youth team, interviewing Tom Biggs from the press dept. and, on our match day event, interviewing Phil Brown (the Manager), Freddy Eastwood (one of the star players) and the brilliant first team goalie, Daniel Bentley.

At the end of the course we had a presentation evening for our families and senior officials from Hamstel, Cecil Jones, the Echo and Southend United, as well as the sponsors of the course. We all had to stand in front of the audience in the theatre at Cecil Jones College and explain what we had been doing. At first it was very scary, but the work we had done had prepared us all really well and we thoroughly enjoyed it. We each got presented with a certificate and free match day tickets for Southend United.

After the 12 weeks had finished I felt so much more confident in my reporting and literacy skills that I started my own Instagram Blog where I upload videos/pictures about the latest sports events and add my own comments.

I thought that the programme was really fun and wish it went on longer. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills, based around a topic I find really interesting. I would encourage other kids my age to do something similar if they get the chance.

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Kevin Field

Digital badging. Young People & Youth Settings.