Ep 17: What is a Winner?

James Schipper
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2018


Listen to the episode on iTunes here

We always worship winners. People who seem to be able to accomplish superhuman feats. People who beat out the competition to come first. Especially people who seem to turn everything they touch into gold.

But we sell ourselves short.

It doesn’t matter what other people are doing, the experiences they have that are hidden from us so it looks as if they are magically able in some way that we are not.

I think being a winner is about pushing through hard things. Not giving in to the thoughts that tell you to give up, that this will never work, that it’s not for you, that this should be easier.

The truth is it’s not easy. It’s such a mental game and if you can win that game, you’re officially a winner.

People who keep pushing are absolutely winners.

People who see what’s going on around them and refuse to give up, refuse to stop, refuse to be affected by drama, by b******t, by self doubt.

People who decide something, and then do it. Every day. Get out of bed earlier than they want to. Go do things they don’t want to do. Those are winners!

It’s easy to give up when things get hard. To look at people and say “wow that guy/girl is so good at that, I could never do that…”

But there’s a cost. The cost is that you don’t get what you want. You don’t get to know yourself as someone who can face fear, face failure, and come out on the other side.

The cost if you don’t get to know yourself as a winner. So, to be a winner……..? Keep pushing.

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James Schipper

Digital Nomad — Funnelhacker — Copywriter — Expat — Love photography, Travel, Personal Dev, and Southeast Asia. Also too many Star Wars references.