Ep 37: Power of Systems

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James Schipper
2 min readMar 29, 2018


When I used to go to the gym (lol) I would go in, put my stuff in a locker and walk into the main workout area. I would stop, look around, and think “hmm what do I feel like doing…”

Bad idea.

As a result, I would run for 5 minutes (until I thought I was tired) do a few random weight exercises with no idea what I was doing, and feel good about a few leg presses.

Finally, I would go somewhere and do 10 pushups. Or 7. Whatever I felt like before my will gave in.

It wasn’t until I had a personal trainer come to my condo in Bangkok and give me exactly the exercises I needed to do, and exactly how many times to do them, AND exactly what weight I should do them with, that I figured out how to actually work out properly.

I’d walk in and know I needed to do 3 sets of 8 of this arm thing, then the same of that arm thing. I knew exactly which weights to use. I knew what to do next at all times. And when it was all done, I could leave.

I didn’t have to wonder about if I’d done enough or what I was missing or how I could have done better.

It’s the same with business.

People wander around doing random stuff, hoping it will work.

A bit of FB ads, a few Insta stories, you try a landing page software here and there and try to get a mention in the local paper. You make a video and hope that will do the trick.

In order to make a real lasting difference, you need a system. You need a plan. A recipe.

Imagine if you tried to bake a cake by just randomly testing stuff? Even I, a great cake lover would not eat that cake.

You get the point. Create a system for your business.

Stay emPowered, Beck



James Schipper

Digital Nomad — Funnelhacker — Copywriter — Expat — Love photography, Travel, Personal Dev, and Southeast Asia. Also too many Star Wars references.