Ep 39: Sharing Your Vision

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James Schipper
1 min readMar 31, 2018


There are a few schools of thought on sharing your vision.

Sometimes all people will do is talk about it, and never take any action.

Some say to write it down and schedule it.

I think it’s also important to let the people around you know what’s going to be happening.

The reason you might be worried about telling people is simple (and there’s only one reason.) It’s that you might fail.

What if I tell people my vision and then it doesn’t happen? I’ll look like an idiot. Well then, you better make it happen. These things aren’t left to chance. YOU have the power to make it a reality.

In this episode, I talk about sharing your vision with your team, the people who work for and with you, so they know what they’re driving toward.

Few people are excited about doing a spreadsheet. It’s more exciting if they know that this spreadsheet is an integral part of your sponsorship strategy and that they are responsible for its success.

Share your vision with your team — I use phases. Here’s phase 1, we can do that this week. Phase 2 will be next month. Phase 3 is for the rest of the year. Phase 4 is epic. The grander, wider vision, that will help thousands of people.

Make sure they know all the phases, it will increase their confidence and yours too. :)

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James Schipper

Digital Nomad — Funnelhacker — Copywriter — Expat — Love photography, Travel, Personal Dev, and Southeast Asia. Also too many Star Wars references.