Ep 53: The Best Place to Start as a Digital Nomad

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Beck Power
1 min readApr 19, 2018


In today’s episode, I’m going to talk about the best place to start your life as a Digital Nomad.

For those people who are just starting out: just got a passport, never traveled long-term, or been far from home, there are some things you should consider.

You probably shouldn’t go far from “home” straight away, depending on the type of person you are. But if you’re more adventurous than that and confident you’ll manage, I recommend Thailand as a starting Nomad spot.

1- Thailand has some of the best tourist infrastructure in the world. This makes things like transportation super-easy and all over the place. The signs are often in English, the visa system is relatively easy (relatively).

2- It’s also very cheap, which takes a lot of stress off of building up your business, especially if you’re just starting out. The internet is fast and cheap. Food, accomodations, and they have just about anything you’d think you would only be able to get back home.

3- Community…there are so many other people who have already done it, are doing it, or are at least passing through. So there’s always something to do and people to do it with when you’re just getting started out and alone for the first time away from home.

Stay emPowered, Beck



Beck Power

Power Creative Media: Daily Social Content for Digital Entrepreneurs powercreativemedia.com