Meet Viamundus: the startup disrupting the architecture industry

My interview with Kasper, Kim and Erwan, the team behind Viamundus looking to make big waves in the architecture industry.


In our Digital Nomads Interviews series we feature interviews with digital nomads and nomads entrepreneurs with interesting profiles, from all over the world. We hope they will inspire you as much as they inspire us! This week, we talked to Kasper Sonne, Kim Behrens and Erwan Riou, the team behind Viamundus, the startup disrupting the architecture industry.

Hi Kasper and welcome to the DN:m interview series! When we met back in June at the Meltin’ Afterworks meetup, I knew I wanted to have your story featured. Can you first introduce yourself?

(Kasper) Hello, first we just want to say thank you to agreeing on making this interview about us and our baby Viamundus. It has been a long journey, with little spare time. We haven’t had much focus on getting the news out there about what we are doing, but that is what we want to change now.

We are a team of two danes (Kim and I) and one French (Erwan). Each of us are very different from each other, which creates a very interesting work dynamics. Erwan is a very talented architect and the mastermind behind the complex system of the website. I am/was a Project Manager within architecture and construction. Kim is a Project Manager in Web development and has been working with Online Marketing for years.

It all started in Brazil, where Erwan and I lived and met through a local high-end architecture and general contractor company. We immediately became very close friends, then around that time Erwan got the vision of Viamundus. But it wasn’t until Kim, my old friend from Denmark, came down to visit and live with us, that we started getting serious about building the website.

You met abroad, proof again that travels create opportunities of a lifetime. Can you describe what Viamundus does?

Viamundus is an online platform for professional architecture services. It automates the traditional services of a hired Project Manager, which before only the fortunate could afford. Such as, efficient quote comparison of architects, contract and payment phasing, project revisions and hand-over procedure. Basically offering to the masses, security, efficiency, guidance and assistance in the industry which traditionally is a jungle for regular people.

For us it is kind of a humanitarian mission also. For many people, building or refurbishing their home is one of the biggest investments in their lives. The problem is that not many regular people know how to properly manage the process. A process which have countless pitfalls, that can have enormous economic consequences. So by offering this service of proper project preparation, that before only was available to higher social classes, it is our way helping fight inequality in society.

How it works, is people go to the website in search of help with designing their construction project, anything from Landscaping, Interior Design, Decoration, Architecture, even Urbanism. They fill out the project form and get filtered the most suitable architects matching their needs and wishes. The architects are instantly listed with their price for that particular project. From there the user can compare apple with apple, by looking at the standardized portfolios, ratings and availability. After choosing, the client deposits the contract sum, which is a guarantee for the architect.

The client and architect then work together systematically through the website, in phases and revisions until the client is satisfied and payment released. In case of any issues, the website even offers intermediation support for both parties. It is free to use the website for both, commission is included in the contracts, so people don’t pay anything before getting real value first.

It’s the type of stories we love here, democratizing access to an elite product, in that case architecture. How did it all start for you?

Well we started out working in the traditional industry of architecture and project management, but kept seeing all the problems going on in it. When Kim joined us in Brazil, he had just finished another project. So when we were talking about the idea of doing something about these problems, it just came completely natural to us, that of course we had to do something about it, and do it online, like so many other industries are doing today.

Starting a company from scratch, especially a startup looking to disrupt the architecture industry can be a daunting process. What were the reactions around you in your field?

Of course there’s always sceptics around you, but I have never thought a lot about what other people think. I find it kind of funny when people say something skeptical. In my life, big challenges have always been like a sport for me, so it would just put more fuel on the engine.

You are a very international team who met abroad, what’s your attitude today towards travelling and where do you work from?

We all have history of travelling a lot, and being used to settle down in new countries. We keep this mindset in order to be prepared to go wherever is needed for our venture to succeed. At the moment we are now based in Barcelona, but at some point we might go to United States for launching Viamundus there.

At the moment we are working from a very nice coworking space, with great people from Brazil and Spain. It is a very comfortable and productive environment, so by far that’s our favorite work place.

You seem to be close as a team, but also very outgoing. How do you go about meeting new people in Barcelona and networking?

Usually just going out and most often meet each others old friends, whom we always get along with. Like I mentioned earlier, we haven’t been very active in socializing. But the three of us have extensive networks from travelling around and previous careers, so it hasn’t been missing. We have now started networking more here in Barcelona, with very nice experiences; people are really cool here at the networking events.

What do you find the most challenging about setting up a new business?

The constant learning curve is tough. Keeping stress levels in check and positivity strong is not always easy. It is a life running uphill, but at the end of the day we wouldn’t want to live life any other way.

Viamundus is in seed stage hence not ensuring most of your income today. How do you balance finances in that case?

Kim has been running a Web Agency offering Online Marketing Services. Since we started with Viamundus we have become partners in this company. Both because Kim needed assistance, but also because it was strategically smart, to make sure we had freedom to work on Viamundus parallel to earning money to survive.

The three of you are fascinating entrepreneurs, what would you recommend to people who want to become entrepreneurs too or startup founders?

Something we talk a lot about is the trend of where the online platforms and apps are going now and in the future. We believe that things are going more and more niche related and specialized to those niches. The days of making general or generic platforms to be marketed and used in wide ranges of businesses and markets are numbered. So we would say background skills and experience in whatever niche you are creating a start-up for, is the most important. But also of course business and marketing skills. Know how to properly monetize on the business and how to introduce it to the market and the cost of it.

I totally agree on the niche focus, it helps with building the trust and also a better fitting product. What is coming next for you?

Well we are looking for Seed funding. The website is up and running but we need to develop further features on the website, and we need funds for marketing so we can scale the business. We have launched in Brazil first, as testing country to solve issues without too much competition. When we get a Seed contribution, we launch full scale in USA.

As we are looking for Seed investors, we would be happy to send our pitch and business plan to anyone who’s interested. Feel free to get in touch with me (Kasper Sonne) at to receive more information. You can also check out the Brazilian version of the website at

Kasper, best of luck with the fundraising and no doubt you’ll be successful!

Thanks Kasper for sharing your story with the DN:m community! If you like the article, spread it by giving a 💓 and subscribe to the DN:m newsletter

All images: credit of Kasper, Kim and Erwan and used with his permission. This article was originally published on on July 23— Find more about Viamundus in the full article



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