Is It Even Possible to get rid of Everything Google?

Updated on Feb 2022

Jenney Clark
Digital Privacy Wise


Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

Most of us are concerned about our privacy these days. People like Edward Snowden and others have done a great job of creating awareness. It took years though. Still, a lot of work is yet to be done.

But, the biggest question is:

Is it even possible to protect our privacy online, especially for a normal human being?

For a person like me, the answer is YES. It is possible to protect 100% of your privacy online. But, it requires effort in being vigilant all the time. It requires you to use a few tools (sometimes too many).

For most people, it is not that easy, which includes my 16 years old son, my spouse, and my parents.

Unfortunately, there is no “install it and forget it” kind of tools available yet.

I’m sure someone must be working on it, something exactly like anti-virus software.

But the truth is that viruses were bad things. No one was getting any benefit from viruses other than bad people. So, all the good people supported the development and advancement of anti-virus software.

It is a different story in the case of online privacy. Only whistle-blowers, activists, and privacy advocates are fighting for online…



Jenney Clark
Digital Privacy Wise

Jenney is an passionate technology blogger, cybersecurity enthusiast, addicted reader, Online Privacy advocate, following KISS principle (Keep it Simple Stupid)