Privacy, Security

What is the Difference Between Privacy And Security

Do today’s models work with IoT and Big Data and Why We Should be Concerned about Data Breaches.

Jenney Clark
Digital Privacy Wise
10 min readJul 5, 2020


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It’s almost five years old story. I was out of the country on a long-term business assignment and I was living with my partner in London. Though we were in a live-in relationship for almost a year, we had our own private lives. I was the person of “going slow” nature, but he was impatient I think. Just like Google, he wanted to know everything about me as early as he could. I wanted to take some time to fully trust him before I could be more vulnerable in front of him.

He had the opinion that whenever you want to watch any movie, you realize that it’s neither available on Netflix nor Amazon. So, he used to keep some of his favorite movies downloaded on a USB drive, and we used to watch those movies sometimes.

One day, he was out with his friends, I was getting bored at home. So I thought that let me just watch a movie from his favorites archive. I plugged in his USB drive into my laptop and then what I got to know was shocking.

I saw a folder in my name on his USB drive. It got me curious enough to open it and I did. I found lots of my pics which he has taken without…



Jenney Clark
Digital Privacy Wise

Jenney is an passionate technology blogger, cybersecurity enthusiast, addicted reader, Online Privacy advocate, following KISS principle (Keep it Simple Stupid)