Evaluation of the Ubiquitous Computing System: Telemetry

Liv Ceriani
Digital Shroud
Published in
5 min readJun 9, 2020

Telemetry is a GPS and sensor system used to track animals in wildlife in order to understand wildlife patterns and more about the species. Telemetry creates the technology and then sells their devices to individuals interested in tracking animals throughout nature. Each tracker is designed for different sized species that can be worn for long periods of time and throughout many different environmental conditions. There are three different types of trackers that can be placed on the animal: backpacks, collars, or implants.

Telemetry created three different kinds of trackers in order to be able to more easily fit all different types of animals. A collar may fitted on a leopard or wolf whereas the backpacks are commonly found on turtles and alligators. The implants are typical used for snakes because their slippery skin could not comfortably hold a backpack or collar. Telemetry actively works to find wearable solutions for animals to be tracked by humans without having to be close by.

Telemetry devices are created to be comfortable and long lasting. Each device is made to be lightweight so it can be less of a burden for the animals to wear. Additionally, the devices are fitted with GPS batteries that can last years at a time so the batteries do not have to be constantly replaced. Another feature of the tracking device is that it can wirelessly transfer data signals up to 30 kilometers away to the base device which the researcher uses to receive the data being sent. This allows the animal to continue with its own daily life without being interrupted by humans. The GPS includes other elements that take into account a light reading of the environment around the animal as well as the temperature of the environment, and the acceleration of the animal whenever the a GPS location is recorded. Telemetry even includes a feature that allows the users to change the amount of time that passes between each entry of the GPS location that is recorded. The design of the device is ideal since it accounts for the weight of the device, the durable battery, and the abilities and features that help to record data from the device that are then sent to the recorders from long distances.

Although Telemetry strives to create a device that can be worn by all wildlife in order for researchers to more accurately track their movements, there are a few improvements to the systems that could be made that could help to enhance the system and make it more comfortable for the animals to wear. The device could monitor health almost like a cellphone does for humans that way researchers can follow animals that may be going through a recovery. A new sensor would have to be added to the device in order to collect heart rate; however, if there is a way for the temperature sensor to collect environmental temperatures, it could also collect the temperature of the animal. Adding a health monitor features to Telemetry devices could help researchers learn even more about many species.

Heuristic Evaluation of Telemetry GPS Systems

The heuristic evaluation will consist of a comparison between the Telemetry GPS System and the heuristic list created for UX Design in Artificial Intelligence in the article Heuristic Analysis in UX Design for Artificial Intelligence.

1. Visibility of System Status: The system sends updates of where the tracker is up to every minute but can be adjusted by the user to send the GPS location less frequently or more frequently depending on what the user determines is necessary.

2. Match between System and the Real World: The system records data so is therefore necessary to be universal. They use grams as the weight measurement and kilometers for the distancing of the device and where the data is sent. Both grams and kilometers are more common across the world than other measurements that could be used.

3. User Control and Freedom: Users are allowed a lot of control over their tracking device. Again the user can determine the frequency of the data returns of GPS location. Also the user can ask for modifications of the device perhaps because of a specific animal and Telemetry is open to bringing those modifications to reality.

4. Consistency and Standards: Each different form of the GPS tracker (backpack, collar, or implant) consist of the same features just placed into different formats in order to better fit all species.

5. Error Prevention: The product is just made to records data for the user. There are times when the GPS signal may not seem correct but GPS location can be recorded more often to account for any possible errors that could occur.

6. Recognition rather than Recall: The system records data for the user to use in their own personal research or profession. All of the displays are universally known. No guessing is required when looking for the location records or temperature displays.

7. Flexibility and Efficiency of Use: The base device displays real-time data collection of the animal’s GPS location, temperature of the environment, light in the environment, and the acceleration of the actual animal so that the user can understand the animal more. The features can be changed to be collected at different times so it better fits the researcher.

8. Aesthetic and Minimalist Design: The Telemetry device is a simple device between the actual tracking device and the base device. The tracking device placed on the animal is made very lightweight and simple as to not draw attention to it and the base device is also a simple box that allows users to easily see the data they require.

9. Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors: Users are able to customize their collection times so that helps to reduce and recover from errors; however, the user has to be able to understand the environmental background of the animal being researched to ensure that no GPS errors have been made.

10. Help and Documentation: The Telemetry Solutions website is widely available and encourages users to ask for help whenever they need it. The website also provides many different explanations of their technology in the case that a user does not understand something.


Mar, Nick Babich, et al. “Heuristic Analysis in UX Design for Artificial Intelligence: Adobe XD Ideas.” Ideas, 20 Mar. 2020, xd.adobe.com/ideas/process/user-research/heuristic-analysis-ux-design-ai/.

“Telemetry Solutions: Specializing in Small Wildlife & Livestock GPS.” Telemetry Solutions — Specializing in Micro GPS for Wildlife Tracking, 24 Mar. 2020, www.telemetrysolutions.com/.

