Hu.Ma.Ne AI Pins as a Ubicomp System: A Heuristic Evaluation, Design Specifications and Safety Concerns, and Business Prospects and Financial Implications

Divyansh Gupta
Digital Shroud
Published in
10 min readNov 27, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, HU.MA.NE AI Pins emerge as a beacon of innovation, signaling a potential shift in the way we interact with and integrate technology into our daily lives. Following the trail of Mojo Vision’s smart contact lenses, HU.MA.NE AI Pins contribute to the narrative of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp), taking us further on the journey of Research & Development towards seamlessly merging technology with our existence by using new innovative User Intrerfaces .

Vision & Mission: HU.MA.NE AI Pins, brought into existence by a visionary team and power couple, Imra n Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno (former Apple employees), aim to redefine human-computer interaction through a speech-operated and miniature projection oriented system. The project’s roots lie in the pursuit of a hands-free, unobtrusive method of accessing information and technology. The objective mirrors the ethos of ubicomp in IOT, seeking to integrate computation into our daily lives without disrupting the natural flow of human activities by providing the user access to an ambient assistant in the form of an AI driven wearable device.

Their mission to lead the way in speech-operated wearable technology is deeply rooted in certain core values: (1) Innovation: Imran and Bethany’s team is committed to pushing the boundaries of wearable technology, embracing novel approaches, and fostering a culture of continuous technological advancements and leaps ; (2) User-Centric Design: HU.MA.NE places users at the center of its minimalistic design philosophy, ensuring that every feature and functionality of the AI Pins is tailored to not only provide actual functionality to the users gesture and voice commands seamlessly but also enhance user experience and meet their evolving needs; (3) Accessibility: HU.MA.NE believes in making advanced bleeding-edge technology accessible to everyone (not economically). They aim to break down barriers, ensuring that their product is intuitive and usable for individuals of diverse abilities and backgrounds; (4) Privacy and Security: Upholding the highest standards of privacy and security, HU.MA.NE AI Pins is dedicated to safeguarding user data and ensuring that users have control over their personal information; (5) Sustainability: Committed to environmental responsibility, HU.MA.NE aims to minimize its own future ecological footprint but also facilitates a future with less screens and in turn minimizes VOC (volatile organic compounds) pollution.


The design of the AI pins , with no doubt by now, centers itself around speech recognition technology, an approach which hasn’t been functional in the wearable device and IOT industry. The AI pins aim to transcend the limitations of conventional smartphones and reshape the way individuals access information, interact with technology, and navigate their daily lives. Positioned as a pioneering ‘post-smartphone’ gadget, these AI-enabled pins promise to redefine our relationship with technology, offering an AI assistant projected onto the user’s palm. In the unveiling via a 15-minute Vimeo video (which in itself raised controversies about the ethos of the device and the company), the creators elucidate the pin’s functionalities and pricing a $699 base price accompanied by a $24 monthly subscription. The pins integrate a suite of features, including a 13-megapixel camera, a microphone, a speaker, onboard and cloud storage, and powerful AI capabilities primarily driven by ChatGPT 4. The interaction with the pin involves natural language and tapping commands, and hand gestures, which then routes queries to various AI platforms for diverse tasks and information retrieval to finally project the info-graphic data onto the user’s palm for a unique user interface.


It is important to take into consideration the ‘Scope of Ubicomp’ when making a device of this fashion (or any ubicomp system). The vimeo presentation of this device stirred up both anticipation and apprehension, underscoring the delicate balance between ‘Sci-Fi and Technology Anxiety’. While these AI pins did promise a futuristic interaction with personal devices akin to sci-fi depictions, early tech reviewers and enthusiasts raised a lot of pertinent questions about the robustness of the system and long-standing concerns about the practicality of a device operated through speech, projections, and gestures. Issues such as unintentional activation, voice data security, and the potential for misuse have surfaced in the lime-light. Speech-operated devices like the Amazon Echo and their other counterparts have never been looked at as portable or hand-held devices, and such user behavior cannot be observed without the presence of obvious barriers in technology or day-to-day life. The potential for unintended activations in public spaces may lead to the inadvertent exposure of private information. An Echo is always looked at with a fear of privacy and security. Users do not appreciate confidential or personal data being read out. (How many times have we asked Alexa to stop because it started narrating unwanted information based on a false prompt or Siri when it started reading out our messages aloud?) The case of Echo and targeted advertisements from Amazon also highlights the capability of devices to keep an eye on user behavior in the form of usable data through constant surveillance of speech. ‘Privacy and security concerns’ surrounded this unveiling too. The device’s reliance on AI models to interact with external systems raises important questions regarding the safeguarding of personal data and the ethical implications of AI-driven interactions. The need for robust security measures in handling sensitive user information remains a critical focal point in the adoption of such technology. Striking a balance between usability and safeguarding user privacy becomes imperative in the development process. Addressing these concerns requires not only refining the speech recognition algorithms but also implementing stringent privacy controls. Companies investing in speech-operated technology must be vigilant about mitigating privacy risks to gain user trust and market acceptance.

Irrespective of the general concerns about speech-operated systems, Hu.Ma.Ne AI pins have other major flaws, practical concerns, and potential limitations or discomforts for the user that cannot be overlooked when making a $700+ product with the hope of reinventing or replacing cell phones. The device’s dependency on projecting the UI onto the hand raises usability concerns, including the efficacy of tracking hand movements, adaptability to varying lighting conditions, and potential challenges for users with different skin tones or physical abilities, highlighting the need for inclusivity in design. Moreover, the device’s functionality, rooted in AI capabilities, faces the perennial challenge of the accuracy of large language models. Observed during the demonstration were inaccuracies in the device’s ability to provide nutritional information and factual errors in responses, which underscore the limitations and potential pitfalls associated with relying solely on AI models without a visual interface for verification. Overall, Hu.Ma.Ne’s AI pins most certainly raise user safety, ergonomic, and practicality issues, which play a crucial role in the market adoption and success of any tech product and hence cannot be overlooked while discussing the financial potential of the company.


  • Market Positioning: Acknowledging safety concerns and limitations, a strategic market positioning emphasizing novelty, convenience, and niche applications could attract early adopters and enthusiasts. Majority of the backlash that the company has faced by now and user’s inability to adopt (if any) would mostly stem out of the current pricing bracket the product sits in, which could be a big setback but also revolutionize the market and its pricing ranges much like how Imran and Bethany’s former company did with the Iphone and lateer with Iphone X (ten).
  • Diversified Revenue Streams: Despite challenges, the subscription model, bundled with a T-mobile service and title subscriptions, in my opinion, offers a steady ongoing revenue flow. Exploring additional revenue sources through partnerships, content licensing, and app integrations can ensure financial stability.
  • R&D Investment and Iterative Development: A significant portion of revenue should be allocated to ongoing R&D for continual improvements, addressing safety concerns, enhancing AI accuracy, and improving user experience.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations with AR/VR content creators and IoT developers can bolster the device’s functionalities, opening doors to new markets and revenue opportunities. Pragmaticaly, the device would be far better received as an add on to the already existing arsenal of tech devices one has (a smart hands-free for when you are on a drive), and not as smart-phone replacement right away. A good future for the device for now exists in an eco-system where there is access to some kind of screen and/or a capacitive or tactical touch controlled devices.
  • Addressing Safety Concerns: Emphasizing continuous improvement in AI accuracy, implementing safety features to mitigate distractions, and refining the projection technology could enhance user trust and market acceptance. It is of utmost importance for the makers of the AI pins to adapt to the market post launch and address these concerns with innovation and diversification into secondary add-on products. It is also essential to not entirely divert into a modular set-up, modular smart phones have always been a dream and its probably for the best.
Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, founders of Humane (

While safety concerns and impracticalities might present hurdles, acknowledging these challenges doesn’t negate the device’s potential. It’s crucial to address limitations through iterative improvements and strategic planning.

HU.MA.NE AI pins possess the potential to redefine how users interact with AI-driven wearables, offering unique possibilities in ubiquitous computing. Balancing awareness of constraints with a proactive approach to innovation and market positioning can pave the way for a successful and sustainable venture in the evolving landscape of wearable technology.


  1. Ambient AI Assistance: The pins serve as an ambient AI assistant, aiding in information retrieval, task management, and contextual recommendations in daily life.
  2. Augmented Reality Interfaces: Projection of UI elements onto the hand allows for AR-based interactions, such as virtual navigation, heads up displays during driving or biking, interactive gaming, or educational content.
  3. Information Retrieval: Seamless access to information, weather updates, notifications, calendar events, and real-time data, facilitating hands-free access.
  4. Health and Fitness Tracking: Utilizing the camera and AI to track food intake, log health-related data, provide fitness recommendations, and assist in maintaining health goals.
  5. Personal Productivity: Assisting in productivity by setting reminders, managing to-do lists, and offering real-time contextual information, enhancing workflow efficiency.
  6. Accessibility and Assistance: Offering assistance to individuals with disabilities by providing contextual information, navigation aid, and interactive support.
  7. Professional Applications: Integration with professional tools for specific industries like construction, engineering, or healthcare to assist workers with on-site information access and task management.
  8. Smart Home Integration: Serving as a control hub for smart home devices, enabling users to operate and manage IoT devices via voice commands.
  9. Social Interactions: Facilitating social connections by integrating communication features, enabling messaging, calls, or social media interactions.
  10. Entertainment and Gaming: Extending gaming experiences by integrating AR/VR elements, offering immersive gameplay or interactive storytelling.
  11. Educational Aid: Providing interactive educational content for students, offering visual aids and immersive learning experiences.
  12. Location-based Services: Leveraging location awareness to offer localized recommendations, tour guidance, or safety alerts based on surroundings.
  13. Commercial Applications: Integrating with retail platforms, offering AR-enabled shopping experiences or interactive advertising.
  14. IoT Integration: The device’s AI capabilities contribute to a more intelligent and seamless interaction within IoT networks, enhancing data collection, analysis, and device interaction.
  15. AR/VR Enhancements: Integration with AR/VR technologies could transform interactions, allowing for immersive AR experiences projected onto the user’s hand and potentially facilitating more intuitive interfaces in VR environments.
Ai Pin shows the path forward. Hold onto your seats. Jiri Jerabek, (


Drawing Parallels with Mojo Vision

In comparison to Mojo Vision’s smart contact lenses, HU.MA.NE AI pins diverge in form factor but converge in their shared objective of blending technology seamlessly into daily life. Both aim to enhance user experiences through AR capabilities, albeit in distinct wearable forms. Mojo Vision’s focus on visual augmentation contrasts with HU.MA.NE’s ambient AI assistance, yet both propel the vision of ubiquitous computing forward, addressing diverse user needs and revolutionizing human-device interactions.

Just as Mojo Vision aspired to intertwine digital and physical worlds discreetly, HU.MA.NE AI pins endeavor to embed ambient AI seamlessly into users’ lives. As technology continues to evolve, these innovations pave the way for a future where the convergence of human biology and technology redefines how individuals interact with the world around them, setting the stage for a new era in the evolution of ubiquitous computing

The convergence of AI, AR, and wearable technology showcased in the HU.MA.NE AI pins heralds a shift towards seamless, ubiquitous computing. Still, amidst all the excitement, there are inherent safety concerns, technical limitations, and practical barriers that demand consideration. From accuracy issues in AI predictions to the practical challenges of projecting User Interfaces onto hands, there’s a tangible gap between the intended futuristic vision and its current practicality.

In the landscape of technological evolution, products like Neuralink and Blackrock Neuromachination Technologies have been pioneering breakthroughs, edging closer to the realms of cyber civilisation. As we navigate this uncharted territory, products like HU.MA.NE AI pins contribute to this journey by redefining the paradigms of human-device interaction. Despite the current practical limitations, they signify the relentless pursuit of integrating technology seamlessly into our lives. Looking ahead, the possibilities of technological advancements are both awe-inspiring and a sign of caution. The potential to bridge the gap between humans and machines raises ethical, societal, and existential questions. It prompts reflections on the balance between technological augmentation and maintaining human individuality and decision-making.

In conclusion, while the HU.MA.NE AI pins unveil a tantalizing glimpse into the future of computing, they also underscore the need for cautious optimism. They sit at the intersection of convenience, innovation, and practical challenges, highlighting the ongoing evolution towards a cyber-enabled society. As we navigate this transformative era, it’s crucial to embrace innovation while critically assessing the implications, ensuring that progress aligns with ethical considerations and the well-being of humanity.

Works Cited

“\/.” YouTube, 16 June 2023, Accessed 27 November 2023.

“\/.” YouTube, 16 June 2023, Accessed 27 November 2023.

“After 5 years of nothing, Humane ‘startup’ is now shifting to AI.” AppleInsider, 8 March 2023, Accessed 27 November 2023.

“AiPin Overview.” Humane, Accessed 27 November 2023.

McCracken, Harry. “Humane’s AI Pin aims to beat the smartphone. That’s the wrong goal.” Fast Company, 15 November 2023, Accessed 27 November 2023.

MKBHD, Marques, et al. “Everything We Know About the Humane AI Pin.” YouTube, 23 November 2023, Accessed 27 November 2023.

Moss, Gabriel. “Wearable AI pin could “weave seamlessly” into our lives.” Yanko Design, 4 October 2023, Accessed 27 November 2023.

