Imagine the Future

Surya Ramanathan
Digital Shroud
Published in
5 min readMay 12, 2020

Have any of you been wondering about what the future will hold for us? Most of us have some sort of vision based the influence of movies that depicts future technology. Some people may come to hasty decisions and believe that we will be living in a brand-new world involving machines taking over the society that we live in. On the other hand, others are being more optimistic and think that with advanced technology slowly rising, we will soon be able to adapt to the new world while going deeper into the digital era. But today, I am going to share with you my prediction and what I believe is going to be a change in the future.

Based on our world history and films involving future technology, I feel that that the ways of how we communicate with others is going to change drastically. The telephone/communication timeline started way back in the late 1800s. Since that time, the way of long-distance communication has changed exponentially as we progress throughout the years. It all started off with Scottish-born American inventor, scientist, and engineer Alexander Graham Bell.

Bell was the one who pioneered a system called visible speech, developed by his father Alexander Melville Bell, to teach deaf children. In the year 1872, Bell founded a school in Boston to train teachers of the deaf. The school subsequently became part of Boston University, where he was appointed as a professor of vocal physiology a year later. Bell was engaged in training teachers in the art of instructing the deaf how to speak and experimented with the Leon Scott phonautograph in recording the vibrations of speech, which later on helped him prepare for working with spoken sound waves and electricity. This eventually led to him and partner/assistant Thomas Watson experimenting with a harmonic telegraph which was a device that allowed multiple messages to be transmitted over a wire the same time. After years of trial and error they got the technology to work and raced straight to the patent office to be first to secure the rights to this discovery. Finally, on March 10th, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell made history by making the first ever telephone call to Thomas Watson and was credited for creating the first ever telephone.

After Bell’s achievement the telephone has received so many upgrades and modification as time went on.

1) November 8th, 1927- The telephone was given a slight modification to have a rotating dial handset to type in the numbers.

2) November 8th, 1963- The dial pad was added to the telephone.

3) March 2nd, 1965- The first ever cordless phone was released.

4) April 3rd, 1973- The first ever mobile phone was introduced.

5) March 2nd, 1982- The mobile phone was made available to the public along with cellular usage.

6) March 9th, 1992- The first ever smart phone (modern mobile phone) was created. Features include touch screen and camera (Texting capability came out on January 1st,1993).

7) February 23rd, 1999- The smart phone came out with internet capabilities.

8) January 9th, 2007- Age of the iPhones begins.

Looking back, the transition from the telephones to our current and more modern smart phone devices. I believe that the next potential step of communication devices would involve implementing the three-dimensional hologram technology. A hologram is a three-dimensional picture formed by the interference of light beams from coherent light sources such as lasers. We have not seen it used very often in the current world that we are in, but the popularity is increasing at a slow pace. The idea has been presented and shown in various movies and video games such as Star Wars, Transformers, Star Trek, Iron Man, Halo and many more. Star Wars is the perfect example of implementing three-dimensional hologram technology in their society. The technology is primarily being used for communications purposes. This is just one way of showing how we can use this technology.

Unlike other examples such as Transformers and Iron Man, the hologram technology shown in the films have mostly been used for either designing or showcasing purposes. In terms of the real world, every company and business are always trying to be better than their competitors and rivals. We are currently in an age where we use advertisements and promotion to win over customers. But as time is progressing a lot of the companies and businesses are trying to look for new ways and solutions of communicating and getting a hold of the customers’ attention. For some companies, they believe that holographic technology is the key and the next step to success.

Having this technology in Hospitals would be a major asset for doctors, surgeons, and others in the medical field. When looking that the human body, they will not have to just look at x-rays and diagrams but can also use the holographic technology to get three-dimensional perspective of the human body.

There are many possibilities of how technology can positively impact our future. I currently do not see how holographic technology can be misused for cruel or wrong purposes. As of now, the only thing that I am hoping for that the technology will come more sooner than later.

