Perfect Morning

Digital Shroud
Published in
5 min readNov 28, 2022

No one likes waking up on the wrong side of the bed, why not make your perfect morning a constant. A morning routine to get you off to the best start can be tedious and annoying, with the technology at hand this can all be done for us soon. I have been noticing that mornings have been dictating the rest of my day, especially productivity. I am going to create my perfect morning by creating a fictional setting based on current ubicomp systems, just a bit in the future. Instead of taking the more interesting dystopian theme I decided to go with a favorable non-dystopian route. We are going to throw out reality completely and imagine that in a time soon all massive technology developers finally have a moral grounding and decide to not exploit our data in any capacity and it is just no longer a problem or thought. A time where everyone has internal home servers to hold the home’s AI and smart home data, all safe and sound, isolated. Smart technology revolved only around the individual, and compiles data only on them with no access to other databases. All of the data will be composed only of the users inputs and extensions allowed, creating a better and more accurate experience over time. This is just to alleviate all worries of privacy, while also keeping the AI making decisions only on your inputs and not the probabilities of others. Now we can get into my perfect morning living in a house that sets up my morning routine with various systems and smart devices. We live in a time where all of the technology discussed can be made and utilized. Some of the aspects of technology are too expensive now to be routinely used. That is why this takes place somewhere in the future. A time not too far away, a lot of the technology just needs more time for it to become practical. Now, to start off with an example of a perfect morning created by this technology. Today I woke up at 8:32, two minutes late because the home AI detected I entered my REM cycle a bit later and the extra minutes will be beneficial. Based on when I went to bed, what I have to do today, and because of my cycle. That is alright, there are a few minutes worked into the morning schedule to accommodate for unaccountable situations, and give the user the chance to smell the roses. I was awoken by an artificial sunrise in my room and sounds captured from outside with unfavorable ones filtered out such as traffic noises and construction. To mitigate staying in bed, the bed begins to change temperature and the natural light becomes progressively brighter. Based on my sleeping preferences, if I like my bed cold, it will get progressively warmer as a contingency to make sure I do not oversleep. When my floor tile feels that I have gotten up is when the real fun starts, and the wake up phase of the morning has been completed. From there it starts my shower to my preferred temperature and my tea for after. When I walk into my bathroom today’s weather and my schedule broken up by time blocks is displayed on my mirror while I brush my teeth to get me in the headspace to know what I need to do with my day. Once I get in the shower the home AI asks whether I want music or a podcast while my bed resets itself by a series of tension cords that get reeled in by the motor to effectively fix my sheets and blankets to make my bed assuring the process. Based on my average shower time when I am 80% done the home AI will begin to heat my towel and start my breakfast based on my preferred diet. The home AI will not cook meals for you as that is a beneficial chore for a person to do themself. In my case, since I prefer a simple breakfast, the home AI will just set up some fruit and a bar for me. At the 95% mark of the shower the water turns cold to better prepare for the day and get those benefits. Small aspects like this is why this system excels. Little things like the rush of cold water and a calm awakening, things that would be very hard and tedious for us to do ourselves, but the home AI can handle it and make our days more enjoyable and efficient. After that I walk to my closet to see five outfit options picked out by the home AI based on what I have been wearing and today’s weather. Once I have inputted my decision on the touchscreen the series of conveyor belts lay out the clothes picked. While getting ready for the day it is time to communicate with the home AI to maximize efficiency for the day. Creating a checklist of what I want to get done during the day no matter how small. Whatever I tell the home AI will then be added to my day’s routine and uploaded to the take away bracelet. The bracelet is to interact with the home AI away from home while looking like a normal bracelet. This is a bracelet that has a microphone to communicate with the home AI, revising the day’s checklist, asking questions, or adding preference data. There is a camera to take pictures to add to your internal database, such as taking a picture of a dish you really liked for your AI to analyze. There is also a projector and IR reader in the bracelet to project the reminders when the time comes on your forearm, and if you click the pop-up on your arm the IR reader will sense this and bring you into that section to display any notes or step by steps that may be attached to it. For reminders, there is a very small motor encapsulated in the bracelet to vibrate 15 minutes or whatever the preference before the task is set to be displayed. All of this is necessary to expand and further perfect your home’s internal database for the AI. Once I begin eating the breakfast the home AI begins telling me my rundown for the day starting with my transportation. Depending on where I need to go it will tell me how I should get there and when. If for class it will tell me exactly when to leave by foot (+- 2 minutes for traffic and unknowns) based on where the class is and my previous walk durations. On my way out, I tell my rating of my morning to the bracelet and any adjustments I would have made. This will be the end of my interaction with my smart home to have created my perfect morning. No AI overlord who lives my life for me making it meaningless, just a well adapted AI to streamline the process and perfect those little things that make us all happy. This home AI would be designed with the intent to alleviate nuisances and be an extension of what you would do yourself to set up your morning to your liking. No one’s hacking into anyones house, just waking up on time happily. The idea with the technology is possible in time, the fiction comes into play because who knows how everything will go.

