Second World

Hangyu Li
Digital Shroud
Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2022

“Go go go, it’s almost out of health, hurry up, kill it”, I shouted. With a loud explosion, a bunch of shiny items appeared around the dead body. I called out to my companions, “Come and choose your equipment.”

Game in a virtual world from the movie-ready player one

Suddenly, a transparent window popped up and display the message: “Dinner is ready, stop playing anymore, come down and have your dinner — Mom.” I looked at the message, turned around, and said to David: “My mother called me to have dinner, I’ll see you tomorrow.” After I finished speaking, I clicked the exit button. With a sound of deflation, an instrument that looked like a dormancy chamber open its shield (I named it Fish), I took off the connecting cable that attached to my head and leave.

dormancy chamber from the movie Passengers

I walked downstairs, and said, “coming.” I looked at the table and saw chicken salad and mashed potatoes on the table.

My mom said, “You finally came”, then she turned around and talked to Alex, “ Help John make a chicken salad and mashed potatoes, please.”

Alex used his mechanical voice and replied: “Okay, Jessica.” Then, he walked toward the kitchen, grabbed the ingredients, and started making them.

While Alex is trying to make my dinner, I found a seat and sit, a transparent window popped up from my watch, and a voice only I could hear reminded me: “There’s an email from the school.” I pressed the watch to let the entire email project in the air. I took some time to read it, and it looks like I have to prepare for a quiz tomorrow. I was upset because I was supposed to jump back to the game after dinner. My friends and I have all agreed to pass the dungeon, I guess couldn’t make it tonight.

I talked to my watch, and said:” Please send a message to the group that I can’t participate in the dungeon fight tonight, sorry.“

My mom said, “ what happened?” I told my mom that there is a pop quiz tomorrow. As soon as I finished my sentence, Alex carried the food and walked toward me.

Alex said in his robotic voice:” Hi Jone, your dinner is ready, enjoy.“

I said: ”Thanks, Alex.”

Robot from the movie West World

After dinner, I went back to my bedroom. Open the fish, put the cable, and attached it to my head. After a few seconds of darkness in my perception. My consciousness appeared small island surrounded by an ocean. I like this setting, you can feel the wind and relaxation.

I said: ”connect me to the library.” As soon as I finished my sentence, my surroundings suddenly changed to the library. I walked into an empty room and started studying for my quiz for the rest of my night before I exited from Fish and sleep on the bed.

The next morning, I connected to the school’s network through my Fish, attached the connecting cable, and entered the virtual classroom. There were still about 10 minutes before class, but most of the people had already arrived in the classroom early.

David came to me and said: “last night, there were a lot of good things from the boss, I have your stuff, come see me in the game after class.”

I said: “Okay, oh, by the way, did you study for the quiz ?”, David said: “What quiz, oh no!”.

Ten minutes later, the teacher came and said, “Get ready, it’s time to take the quiz” and with a wave of his hand, a virtual transparent screen appeared on everyone’s desk. Don’t even think about cheating, the anti-cheating software is monitored during the quiz period.

You don’t have to worry about seeing other people’s screens when you turn your head around. The quiz screen is only available individually. I quickly scammed over the entire quiz, and feel happy for a moment since I know all the material. You can control the screen by using your perception. After 30 minutes of quiz time, I completed the entire quiz.

After the quiz, most of the people showed a relaxed expression, except for David’s frustrated facial expression, which seems like he didn’t do well on the quiz.

Class began, and the teacher said, “Let’s learn about different animals today.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the teacher waved his hand, and the environment setting immediately turned into the African savannah.

The teacher walked up to the lion and pointed to it and said: “does anyone know anything about lions? “

A student answered, “The lion is a carnivore.”

The teacher nodded his head and displayed a screen with his hand next to the lion. The screen display some basic information about the lion. Then, he started talking through this information. The way I do note-taking is through my mind. A notebook will be opened, and it will automatically write down the note from my mind.

After the lion, we moved the environment setting through the African savannah to the sea. The teacher introduced some of the animals that live in the sea.

After the class ended, the teacher assigned the homework and called it a day.

