Smart Cities of the Future

Zachary Suarez
Digital Shroud
Published in
7 min readMay 13, 2020

What Is A Smart City?

As the technology of the world continues to rapidly advance we see that it becomes more incorporated in our environment, whether in our home or in public. People went from carrying smart devices to having them set up in their homes and cars to being used by businesses and governments in new and different ways as they become more common. As smart device use grows and improves, it will continue to not only be used by people themselves, but it will also be incorporated into every aspect of people’s lives, which is evident in smart cities.

Smart cities are urban areas that are made up of a variety of devices, which are all connected in real time, used to help the city function more efficiently and be able to be easily managed by people. Such cities incorporate smart technology into security, maintenance, transportation, and resources in order to track and improve every aspect of the city from environmental to economic data and even social information. While this is not the most commonly occurring environment today, it is slowly growing and helping to improve many cities for not only those who manage and maintain it but the residents and visitors of the city. The list of features that could be included in a smart city include everything from helping to find ways to reduce traffic to assisting with security and improving people’s interactions with the city as a whole. Though there are always risks with such systems, the benefits of it would greatly improve the lives of many people. With predictions stating that by the year 2050 about 60% of the world’s population will live in a city, a smart city would be better equipped to sustain and improve the aforementioned areas, which would help to improve things for everyone.

What A Smart City Can Do

A smart city will have massive amounts of devices and sensors that will make up the systems which allow for the city to function properly and improve people’s day to day lives. Such systems will be a part of every aspect of the city even if most people do not notice it. As private investors and government agencies realize the benefits of smart cities, they try to grow and improve their cities even if they go about it in different ways. One such difference that smart cities offer is assistance with improving transportation for those within the city, whether they are using public or personal transportation methods. In many cities such as Seoul, London, and even Reykjavik, this can be seen with applications that connect people to up to date and relevant information about public transport or roads. With sensors and devices tracking roads for things such as traffic patterns or available parking spaces, information that people would not usually know would be easily accessible and would help make dealing with traveling in the cities much less of a hassle. Aspects of public transportation, such as occupancy and schedules, can be updated in real time for users while even offering more secure trips.

Other aspects of the city which are usually routine can be more efficient such as waste management. By incorporating sensors to track when such issues need to be dealt with, as opposed to just dealing with it when the time comes regardless of the state, the city is able to gather data that they can use. Singapore is using this method to track data about waste to see if there are more efficient ways to improve how it should be handled. When it comes to resources, being able to track their usage can be beneficial in managing consumption to avoid overuse. New York City, said to be the most developed smart cities, utilizes smart bins for waste and tracks residents’ water usage so that the city may identify improvements that can be made while sharing the info with the consumers. Being able to track such things, though it seems simple, can make a huge difference for people’s lives and well being.

A smart city would not only be collecting information on what people currently need in their situation, but it would also be able to figure out other possible issues as well. Whether it is determining if a pothole needs to be repaired or being aware that there is a fire starting, the city will be able to respond to the problems as they arise in the most efficient way. As the city deals with such situations, it will continue to improve as a smart city so that things run better for those who take care of the physical responsibilities of maintaining the city. While collecting more information, the city will be able to learn where it can make improvements within the city as a whole in order to keep things on the best track so that the city is a better and safer place for everyone within it. Though tracking information seems like it could be scary for people and can feel as if personal privacy is lost, much of that data compiled is used only for people’s lives and making things safer and easier.

Security in a Smart City

When it comes to security, it can be tricky for some people who do not always see the better sides of things, especially when they think they may be watched and have privacy rights taken away. While tools such as facial recognition are used in Tokyo, people feel as though the government is tracking them and collecting information about them that they do not wish to share. People also fear that such data could be used against them by those who have access to it or are able to steal it, but such data tends to be heavily encrypted for safety. Those who do not know the reason for the use of security in a smart city often fear it and wish to avoid it, which is not always the best case. Such data that is gathered by the smart city has intended uses for improving the city and not for malicious use.

Though this is one view of actions that a smart city can take, people should remember that the information that is collected is used to help prevent bad situations, whether it’s something small or something that could be potentially life threatening. Being able to identify and respond to a threat appropriately is an important feature that a smart city must have to keep peace and deter people from causing problems. Being able to evaluate a situation and perform the best course of action can make a difference for many people. If a person were to have a heart attack on the street, the city could be able to contact the closest ambulance to the location using the fastest route possible. The city could not only give directions to the emergency vehicle but also deter civilians from causing any interference with them by having them avoid the path. A similar case could be made for situations such as an assault or other disturbance where the police would need to be involved, improving the speed and efficiency of resolving the problems. While some may not like such surveillance, the intended purpose can greatly outweigh the risks. A smart city not only offers the advantage of connecting people to such services, but it also allows people to be more connected to one another.

Social Smart City

Since the most efficient way for people to connect with a smart city is by using a specifically designed app on their smart devices to access information, it is easy to miss that the city also allows for better connection between people and businesses. The more people that are actively connecting with the city the better the network between the city and the people becomes. It is the people who will benefit from that network the most, whether to reach out to one another for help or to simply be social and doing so becomes much simpler. The smart city will be able to connect people in efficient ways depending on what they are seeking from others, be it another person or a business. Connecting people who share similar ideas, or would desire to be social with others, allows for the city to build and strengthen the community that belongs to the city in order to make their lives better. When a person needs something from a business, assistance could also be provided by the city itself, from helping people find a place that has what they are looking for to assisting them in finding the best price to pay in their area. These aspects of how a smart city can truly connect those who are a part of it can make a difference for everyone from visitors to residents who have lived their entire lives there. With the city always growing it needs to be able to learn and improve itself as well to make people’s lives better.

