The Bend but Not Break Journey of the Google Glass

Billy Carroll
Digital Shroud
Published in
6 min readMay 24, 2020
“Retrieved from Bob Doyle on Business 2 Community.

What is Google Glass?

Google glass is an augmented reality or AR headset that is shaped like a pair of glasses. The first prototype was initially released in 2013, but the finished product was released in 2014. Attached to the side is a 5 mega pixel camera with a high definition 720p video camera. It runs on an operating system based on a version of android. It also has a built in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. There is a special application virtualization to the glasses call Glassware that allows users to use apps on their glasses in AR instead of having to use a desktop. Motion and voice recognition are used in order to process the commands of the user. Additionally, there is also a touchpad on the glasses rim to process commands from the user as well. The main purpose of using the glasses are being able to take photos and videos. It also uses the web and google search engine through your glasses. It can also set reminders for tasks that you made for yourself by syncing calendars from your phone or computer. Finally, you can use it for voice and/or video calls, and much more.

Criticisms of the Device

Although these glasses were ahead of their time, the device has received a lot of criticism for its design and use. The main criticism was its design choice and concerns related to privacy. For example, having the camera on the side and using them out in public really made people feel as if it is an invasion of their privacy.

Issues Relating to Privacy

If you think about it, other people may not know what the user’s intentions are when wearing the device since they can only see what is going on when using the device. People may think that you are using the glasses to stalk or video tape them without their consent. There is a rear camera on almost every phone today, but other people can tell when someone is on is not filming them. With Google Glass, it is basically like wear glasses, so the user always needs to be looking up at what they are seeing where people can see the camera. Another criticism Google Glass received was its potential use of piracy with being able to record movies illegally in movie theaters. Because of this, movie theaters now ban Google Glass completely. There are just too many negative potential consequences these glasses bring with its capabilities and design. This is especially true if they get into the wrong hands and are used for criminal purposes.

What went wrong?

Google Glass’ first initial release to the public was a failed project for many reasons. The design was not only concerning, but very unappealing as well to use in public. It looked very awkward and unattractive to wear as well as feeling awkward. Many users said using the device felt very uncomfortable. It looked like it was still in the prototype stage instead of a finished product. The glasses also had no defined use to them. It looked and sounded innovative and was a cool idea theoretically, but practically speaking it was not in high demand.

The Demand for Consumers

The only use for the glasses was to capture images and have useful information right in front of your eyes using the internet. Both of those things you can get much easier on your smart phone. It was also outrageously expensive priced at $1500.00. To many consumers, it was not a good investment to make. It just seemed like a waste of money for something with limited features that was additionally unattractive. Smart phones and smart devices with the same functions go for a fourth, a fifth, or even a sixth of the price along with many more features built into them. Who really wanted to pay $1500.00 for a pair of unattractive and awkward working glasses with very limited features to it? Overall, the practicality and price point along with issues of privacy and piracy killed the Google Glass. In 2015, Google discontinued Google Glass altogether.

Google Glass’ Comeback

In May of 2019, a new version of Google Glass was unveiled called Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2. This time, instead of being used as a consumer product, it would be specifically used for business and enterprise purposes. Not only that, but the new design looked more like a finished product than the original model. This was a better path for Google to follow with their Augmented Reality glasses: being able to use it for projections in the real world to apply business solutions. This new edition features a Qualcomm Snapdragon XR1 and has a longer battery life than the original model. The new version of these glasses are also two-thirds the price of the original model at $999.00.

Google Glass’ Competition

However, one of Google’s competitors, Microsoft, released their own version called the HoloLens 2 that is more powerful than the Google Glass. It was already being used in businesses, and the military, but was much more expensive at $3500.00. The benefits of the Google Glass is, it is much more affordable, it supports mobile devices management for configuring devices for apps and services such as disabling the glasses if the employee loses them so it does not get into the wrong hands. The Google Glass is also much more affordable for businesses and beneficial to organizations that have contracts with Google. It looks like Google learned from their mistakes of their first model and found a way to make it work by being used in the business field instead of trying to appeal to consumers. Google finally created a defined role and use for the product.

“Retrieved from Todd Haselton on CNBC.

Lessons from Google

Originally, Google Glass was one of Google’s biggest failures, but Google learned from this and found a way for the product to make a comeback. Google is known for being very resilient and constantly innovating. They learned that if they continued selling the glasses out to just consumers, it would become a complete disaster and could have led to many lawsuits, so they had to discontinue selling it to consumers quickly. There was also a defined role Google gave to Google Glass where they were able to integrate it with business solutions. This seemed like a device geared more towards businesses rather than consumers. Even though the Google Glass may have not been well suited for the consumer market, they found their place in the marketing world.

“Retrieved from


The Google Glass had a very rough start with its awkward design, very high and unaffordable price point, and trying to appeal to consumers with no defined or clear goal in mind. They realized these flaws and came back with a better marketing strategy by appealing to business and enterprise instead along with better specs and a cheaper price point as well. Not every piece of technology is meant to be marketed to the public and consumers. The Google Glass felt like it was a rushed product originally. I do not think Google thought through enough about the unintended consequences and concerns of the public. A product like this, as we have seen with other AR eyewear, is intended to be used for business solutions and research. Overall, the Google Glass is one of the rare stories we hear about a product that was initially a failed project but made a strong comeback in the end.



Billy Carroll
Digital Shroud
Writer for

Information Systems major at Drexel University. Class of 2023.