The Digital Doorbell

Liv Ceriani
Digital Shroud
Published in
6 min readMay 12, 2020

Today’s society reaches for new and innovative technology making the ubiquitous computing field extremely important and highly in demand. Ubiquitous computing is the concept that technology can be used anytime in any place. Some of the latest technology features to intrigue today’s market include Alexas, Google Homes, smart watches and digital doorbells. Each device has new features that interest individuals around the world and help to make their worlds more efficient.

Digital Doorbells

The innovative solution of creating a digital doorbell is a simple yet impactful solution on many individuals. The digital doorbell combines the doorbell with a camera allowing the resident of the house to see who rang the doorbell without opening up the door. This features permits the resident to feel more safe when hearing the doorbell ring and content with leaving their home. The doorbell connects to an application which the user can then bring up on a phone or mobile device. The camera displays the real-time view of the front door space whenever the application is opened. The feeling of uncertainty of who may be waiting plagues residents from opening their doors when the bell is rung. Being careful about who to let in the house is detrimental and if not cautious, harm to the house or even death in extreme cases could be a result. The video camera feature makes it so that a user can check the feed when inside or outside of the house to check who may be at the front door. This extra precaution can be lifesaving for certain situations. Not only does this help the user to refrain from stressing when gone from home, but it also allows the resident to check for any mail which they may be expecting to be delivered while they are away such as a package. The video permitting doorbell makes residents feel like they are able to access their home while being away.


One of the top digital doorbell producers is Ring. Ring provides features with its doorbell that include motion sensor which will notify the user when motion is detected by the sensor. Whenever there is motion the sensor automatically sends a notification to the user’s mobile device or tablet. The user can then speak through their device and the sound will resonate from the doorbell to whomever caused the sensor to activate. The individual who activated the sensor can then also respond through the doorbell which the user will be able to hear through their own device. This feature is practical for package delivery and possible robbery. If a robber approaches the door, the sensor will be activated and the user will be able to potentially scare said robber by speaking through the doorbell. Ring took time to combine the use of sensors, video cameras, and audio, and an application with a regular doorbell and was able to produce a product which benefits its users in multiple different fashions.

Ring includes many additional features that make the use of the product even more useful for it’s users. One such feature is called the Ring Alarm which indicates that emergency responders may be necessary. Once the alarm is activated, it informs the Ring monitoring center which will then call the user and request a password. If the password given is incorrect, the monitoring center will send police or the proper authorities to the address of the digital doorbell. However, if the right password is provided, the monitor center will ask the user if everything is okay and if necessary will still send emergency responders. Another feature that is included with

the Ring subscription is the storage of videos from a certain amount of days. This allows the user to check over any of the videos for any number of reasons. For example if a package was stolen from the user’s front porch, by searching through the footage, the user could find who stole the package and turn the footage over to the police for further investigation. Ring advanced an average day to day household feature to make it more valuable and offer more assets than a normal doorbell ever could.

Video of Ring Doorbell:

Heuristic Evaluation of the Ring Doorbell

The heuristic evaluation will consist of a comparison between the digital doorbell and the heuristic list created by the Information School and Human Centered Design and Engineering at University of Washington in their article Heuristic Evaluation of Persuasive Health Technologies.

1. Appropriate Functionality: The technology provided in the digital doorbell includes sensors, video cameras, and connects with a mobile application. The camera displays feeds at all times but only stores the footage when required to by the user. The sensor is used to detect any motion near the doorbell indicating that someone is approaching the user’s front door. This technology appropriately uses all of the technological aspects that are included.

2. Not Irritating or Annoying: The digital doorbell sends the user notifications when someone is in range of the sensor or when the doorbell is pressed. The user has control over both settings allowing them to dictate which should be intact for their house. The device is relatively small and placed on the side of the door so it should not get in the way of the user.

3. Protect Users’ Privacy: The video footage stored by Ring is not shown to any other individuals. A user may decide to share their footage with others, but otherwise it is privately owned. There is also a protection plan to ensure that the user and their home is secure through professional monitoring; however, for varying prices.

4. Use of Positive Motivation Strategies: The developers of the digital doorbell took into account troubles that everyday people face and came up with an innovative solution that would make it easy to address problems such as an individual stealing a package from the front door. The technology encourages users to check their live footage.

5. Usable and Aesthetically Appealing Design: The product itself is thin and square and does not require that much space making it easy to find space for. The design is simple yet effective with a small camera and a button outlined in blue to represent the doorbell.

6. Accuracy of Information: The sensors become active when an individual approaches the doorbell. The sensor also does not immediately alert the user of an intruder, it simply sends a notification that someone may be close to the door or pressed the bell button. The cameras show footage of what is in the vicinity of the front door.

7. Appropriate Time and Place: The device displays real-time video footage of the front door area. There is also 24/7 monitoring center which can be contacted at times of need.

8. Visibility of User’s Status: By the user being able to check their camera feed at all times, the user can always feel like they are protected as it is the main feature of the application. The app also sends notifications to the user, this allows the user to understand the status of their home at the time.

9. Customizability: Users are able to customize their notification settings. It is not required to turn on any of the notifications, but the option to turn on the setting for when the bell was pressed or when the sensors have been triggered are available.

10. Educate Users: By using this device users are able to learn its usefulness including its ability to prevent robbery or answer the door without being home at the time. The continued use allows the user to find more abilities and features which can make their homes more secure.


The Ring doorbell allows users to feel safe leaving their home and to have the ability to answer the doorbell whenever someone rings it. A digital doorbell is a productive use of technology taking a simple everyday use item and creating a digital aspect making it more effective than ever before.

