Wearable Technology of the Future

Zachary Suarez
Digital Shroud
Published in
7 min readApr 27, 2020

When it comes to technology users have certain standards that must be met for them to actively make use of it. The difference between the technology becoming the next big thing and getting lost in the crowd can be very subtle and difficult for many to be able to understand. Though currently smartphones are the top selling electronics in the world, smart wearables follow behind but have been growing with a predicted 305 million sales units in the year of 2020 and grow in years to come. When it comes to the future of wearable technology the concepts that differ from great technology and poor ones can make a big impact on way user will see and want to use it especially when it will constantly be a part of them. Current wearable technology has its limitations that prevents it from taking the spotlight for users who still focus primarily on smartphones, but as those limits are overcome, that can begin to change.

Wearable technology still has some downfalls that keep it from becoming fully embraced, which can be seen from the 30% return rate within 6 months of their first release. When it comes to the technology used to design the devices as well as the systems themselves, there is still a way to go for making it more functional and pleasant. Many devices and systems users tend to prefer are made to be easy for them to understand and get accustomed while aiming to make them figure out as little as possible to use. Issues also a rise from the lack of efficient devices that are able to last long as well as be powerful enough to accomplish anything that would be need from it. This presents another problem that will need to be overcome as well, but even with the various solutions that have been created to help with such wearable device’s power issues none of them are a finite solution to the problem and still need work to improve. When it comes to something user will wear on themselves, constantly being efficient is not the only issue that can deter, something such as the look of the device plays a big role.

Another important factor that users look for is simple and subtle devices that would blend in and not even be noticeable to themselves or others while still being practical. When the technology become part of user’s daily lives, they prefer to not have it interfere with their routine but be available when they need it at any point. Making the devices aesthetically pleasing for the user can determine whether they would even consider using such a device and could lead to a variety of styles and looks that can come of smart wearables. Looks are not the only thing that can be problematic for such devices but being able to work in synchronous with either current or future devices that the users will also have is important for a good design. Since the majority of user who would consider using a smart wearable would already have a device such as a smartphone or other smart devices on them or in their environment, allowing them to work together in beneficial ways would be more incentive to embrace new devices and even grow accustom to it faster. Since user will likely have multiple devices the better, they work together the more popularity will come with newer less known devices. With better communication between devices allowing users to keep track of more and make more use of the devices will play a big role in improving them as time goes on.

Users tend to use many similar devices in their everyday life, but each device tend to uniquely set for the individual by their own preference and standards. Allowing the wearable devices to be customized for the individually helps the user to accept the device easier while feeling that it belongs to them more. Whether the device is a standard or a purely customizable design the ability to have control over the functionality makes the device personal and more important to the user while allowing them to quickly adapt the new device to their existing routine more fluidly. As the technology improves such wearable devices the design can become more complex and adaptable to the users that will be interacting with it in their lives, but users look for more then what the device can do but what more it can do. As the device improves, they will need to continue to improve and adapt to what people want from them in ways they were not designed originally. As user wants and needs change the technology must be able to keep up with what they desire from it without having to rely on others to change it for them, but the device itself to learn what is required. With such change’s users will find more uses in ways they may not have planned but the better functionality will help to drive the desire for their use of the wearable technology. Though there are many aspects that must be kept in mind with how wearable technology advances there is not a definitive answer for how it will be in the distant future, we are only able to see where it will go from where it currently stands in today’s world.

Devices that people wear tend to share designs of something they would potentially or already wear, so as the technology improves and can be incorporate in different ways. Predicting what will come can be a challenge but from the existing designs and uses of the devices give a idea for the future. Depending on the purpose of the device the design may need to vary as well whether it is used to connect people of information or track data on the user from medical to physical needs understanding its requirements are important. Today many smart wearable tend to be on the wrist or face which is seen in devices such as smartwatches or smart glasses which allow for the user to have something that is large enough to have a screen they can interact. This may not always be the case especially as the technology used in them improves the use of a simple interactable screen may not be as necessary.

With a small device that could wrap around a person’s wrist that may be a sleek simple design, that would not draw much attention, could potentially project an image whether onto a surface or the person themselves that would track the movement to interpret their desire intention. Even further down the road of technology, the potential of a device that could actually be embedded into a person could become the norm. Such a device could draw power from the person themselves in order to reduce the need to have it interact with unnecessary power supplies and allow for them to last indefinitely. With such a device potential uses could grow as well when it comes to tracking issues with those who have medical problems or even just want to keep track of different aspects of their bodies or life, whether for personal desire or to allow them to always be up to date on potential risks they may face. With a device that would always be connected to a person allowing it to interact with other devices in the person’s environment could offer more opportunities to allow simpler easier transactions between systems. Such examples could be the device interacting with a smart home to unlock and open the door or even change the temperature or lights based on the persons mood or desire.

Personal information could always be securely stored on the person and would be easy for them to verify or use in different circumstances such as payment or self-identification. Though having your information attached to you and encrypted, there are still risks that can be present in such situations and people will need to be prepared to deal with it. As the technology improves it is likely the security will also improve with it in order to help mitigate those risks as they come. With such a device, that could constantly learn and adapt to the user’s needs, lives would be made simpler in many ways from being able to connect to other devices within the environment or even directly to a source of information such as the internet. The potentials for such a technology could be limitless when it would be created and would change the world for the better.

Though this still has a long way before such a technology could be created the potentially is always growing as time goes on and technology advances. Whether such devices would be accepted could also be a draw back since it can never be definite and people’s views on technological advances are not always positive. While different possibilities exist to where wearable technology can lead it does seem that the use of it has been growing so the opportunity for the future of the devices is ever changing.

