Which Ubicomp System Are You?

Siri Gudur
Digital Shroud
Published in
5 min readMay 25, 2020

Determine which ubiquitous computing system suits your lifestyle best using the quiz below. After you discover your result, read more about the product below!

You are Amazon Echo!

You prefer to stay at home…most likely on the couch. Amazon’s Echo is a great ubicomp system for you because this hands-free device allows you to play music, shop for groceries, and search the web among many other tasks, all without having to get up. This voice-activated device also has the potential to control different sensors around your house with simple commands if you choose to expand your IoT network at home. However, Amazon Echo devices are not always contextually relevant because the system is relatively new and there may not be enough data generated for a specific command, so the device might not have an appropriate response to all of your questions. Amazon’s smart home device also presents privacy and security concerns for its users. Many are concerned about how the data collection process of these devices is being used against them in the form of targeted ads or even leaking personal conversations without consent. This ubicomp system could be improved in the future with the addition of privacy regulation that brings power over personal data back to the user.

You are Apple Watch!

As an active homebody, a smart watch is a great addition to your daily life. Apple Watches combine the features of fitness tracking and health habits with iOS capabilities in a convenient wearable format. This device is great for tracking your workouts, but you can also send/receive calls, stream music, send text messages, and even get directions. This ubicomp system eliminates the need to carry around a separate device because rather than holding the smart watch, you can wear it. However, because the device is intended to fit on your wrist, Apple Watches have small screens with limited functionalities. So, this system is great for checking notifications if you step away from your computer, but it is not practical to type up an email. There are also potential privacy concerns that come along with wearable devices such as location tracking because this personal data may not be secure.

You are FitBit!

For a highly active person who enjoys going out and about, a FitBit could add to your lifestyle. FitBit trackers can more accurately record your daily activity and help keep track of your fitness goals, especially for any Android users whose phones are incompatible with Apple Watches. This ubicomp system also allows you to interact with your friends and fellow users by offering fitness challenges as friendly competition. However, the drawbacks to this niche ubicomp system is its limited range of functionality. There is not much room for this device to expand in use beyond fitness tracking, so it might not be significant to your daily life. Furthermore, if you are intensely concerned about the privacy of your data, it might be unsettling to know that Google recently purchased FitBit and the tracker is just another outlet for a potential breach in security.

You are NEST Home Security!

You enjoy leaving the house but are worried about it when you’re gone. Integrating the NEST home security system could alleviate some of your concern when you’re not around. NEST security devices include smart sensors and cameras to constantly monitor all parts of your home, and you can even control the security settings and restrictions of your home through an app on your smartphone. At the same time, improving the security of your home with NEST secure devices compromises the privacy of your home. Constant surveillance combined with smart alerts and professional monitoring forces you to sacrifice personal space to an extent because the time you and your family spend in the living room is now being monitored.

You are Self-driving Car!

If you love going out and exploring from the comfort and convenience of your own vehicle, you should consider integrating a self-driving car. While the range of these cars vary, self-driving vehicles offer autonomous features that can improve your experience of traveling overall by allowing the driver to have more freedom and flexibility. This system caters to a wide range of users, including individuals who may not have the ability to drive a standard car. Additionally, this technology is relatively new, so there is a lot of potential for the system to develop and improve in the future. However, self-driving cars raise security concerns, as do all digitized devices, and because errors in these vehicles may result in fatalities, these cars are not widely popular today. Moreover, self-driving cars introduce a myriad of ethical concerns due to a lack of standardized regulation.

You are Smart Lights!

You prefer staying at home and using technology to fuel your laziness, but not too much because your privacy is key. Smart lights would be a great addition to your home because the interface of this system is seamless: you can control the device with an app on your phone or even via voice activation. Smart lights even come in a variety of colors and brightness settings for maximum flexibility. They can also be used as a home security mechanism because you can control the lights in any part of the house without getting up or when you’re not around. While smart lights do require chargers, can be expensive, and collect data about your usage, your privacy is not a major concern with this system. So, you can enjoy the benefits of a ubicomp system without compromising your privacy.

You are Smart Refrigerator!

If you enjoy staying at home and making trips to the refrigerator, you should invest in a smart refrigerator. This smart appliance keeps track of your groceries, expiration dates, and can even reorder items that are running low. You can also control advanced temperature and humidity settings to make your food last as long as possible. The latest models of smart refrigerators integrate touch-screens on the door for your running grocery lists, calendar, notes, reminders, pictures, etc. This minimally invasive and seamless ubicomp system is a great addition if you are concerned about the privacy of your data because it is only taking inventory of your grocery habits, which does not compromise your sensitive information. However, because these smart devices are connected to WiFi and linked to your email accounts or possibly even your credit card if you choose to automatically reorder your groceries, some of your personal data may be leaked.



Siri Gudur
Digital Shroud
Writer for

Business Planner at Microsoft