Playing with the Puzzle — Sprint 2 at DSS

DSS: Team Brainwash
5 min readNov 5, 2018


  • Sprint 2: Created a prototype for the Doctor-Patient Relationship
  • Wild ideation sessions and prototyping lead to having a better understanding of the project landscape
  • Data has come into play! Webscraping gave the team a large database of patients reviewing doctors
  • We are still as awesome as always

A very good day to you again. Team Brainwash is back from the SCRUM-lands and wants to share their progress of the second Sprint at Digital Society School. As a quick refresher, the team is working on smoothening out the diagnosis and treatment process for headache patients, by use of technology and design.

In the first Sprint, the team did find that the doctor-patient relationship and the self-empowerment of patients were critical points for the project to focus on. Therefore, the second Sprint was focused on diving deeper into the relationship between doctors and patients. By use of the insights found in literature and interviews, a prototype was ideated to support in the doctor-patient relationship.
Buckle up and join us for the ride we are excited to share our findings with you.

“Team Brainwash in one of their uncensored poses”

The Second Sprint

The second Sprint continued where the first one has left off. As you might remember, the period had ended by defining a problem statement with regards to the perspectives of literature, users and technology.
These findings pointed in particular to the doctor-patient relationship, therefore, the second Sprint wanted to focus on creating ‘touchpoint-based’ interventions. Those are fancy words for the creation of a prototype, which has been placed in a very specific point on the User Journey Map.

To get to this goal, there has to be an initial process of research, interviews, ideation and prototyping. So say ‘ah’ and tag along!

Planning: The scope and process of Sprint 2

Gathering the Information
Given the insights from the first Sprint, the team did realize that there should be a more specific view of the relationship between doctors and patients. This need for insights resulted into research which spanned into specified user interviews, competitive analysis of clinical tools and a thorough analysis on stakeholder’ their position.
The information gap got closed as well by the attendance of several conferences (E.g. DDW, Emerce eDay), these provided practical and hands-on insights which helped shaping clarity in the context.

Conferences: Visit to the Smartest Building of the World when attending Deloitte session

Once this information was gathered, it was necessary to put it in the right context. Initially, Mural was used for combining the research insights. However, the last sprint already proved that a User Journey Mapping provides clarity and overview of the problem context. Therefore, it was chosen to extend this mapping with the experiences of Neurologists, GP’s and Headache Nurses. This lead to an extensive qualitative view on the whole process out of different perspectives.

User Journey: Trying to make sense of the different experiences within one mapping

However, qualitative work only sheds light on one part of the research. The team felt that a quantitative perspective was needed, to highlight abstract patterns and details which might benefit the solution greatly. Therefore Immanuel, our coder, wrote a program which effortlessly fetches all information of a website. In this case, it was chosen to fetch the data of a review website for Doctors, to highlight specific points patients face with their consults with doctors. The next sprint will focus on deeper analysis of the gathered data.

Data-Mining: First visual representations of the dataset (~7.000 reviews)

While the data hasn’t provided many deep insights yet, the qualitative view was used mainly for ideation and prototyping. The team decided to allocate two full days for the ideation process, which lead the team to a gradually improved understanding of the concepts at hand.
Many ideas have been provided, however the team ended up with a small selection of ideas which pointed towards creating either:

a) A community of patients
b) Using data to improve the current situation
c) Re-imagining the relationship between patients and doctors

Ideation: Capture the diverging and converging process on flipcharts

Combining the ideas outlined above, a prototype was created to focus on the consultation between doctor and patient. It was chosen to create a mock-up for a dashboard application of the Doctor (original idea: using data to improve the current situation).
Crystal-clear design was used by our designer to provide a look-and-feel. Neurologists had the opportunity to leave comments on the mock-up in the sprint review and gave the team newfound insights to be applied in the upcoming sprint.

Prototyping: The created Dashboard as an intervention for doctors

Wrapping up
Concludingly, the goal of the sprint was to create a touchpoint-based intervention within the context of the doctor-patient relationship. Through various conferences, user and literature insights, the team was able to do a well-prepared ideation.
The ideation highlighted an initial set of ideas, which lead to the creation of a dashboard mock-up for doctors.

The next Sprint will focus on creating an intervention for the patient-side, iterating over the existing prototype and create a first use for data as well.

Team Brainwash checks out! We speak to you again soon ❤

Methods Used
- Desk Research
- Interviews
- Affinity Wall
- Dark Brainstorming
- Open Brainstorming
- Smashing iPhones
- The Apple Exercise
- Dot-voting
- Aggregated User Journey Mapping
- Touchpoint Identification
- Feasibility-Impact Matrix
- Mock-up
- Data-mining (Web-crawler)

Attended Events
Deloitte on the Go: Innovation in the Insurance Sector

Dutch Design Week
Emerce eDay

The Digital Society School is a growing community of learners, creators and designers who create meaningful impact on society and its global digital transformation. Check us out at



DSS: Team Brainwash

Team Brainwash is part of the Fall 2018 program at Digital Society School Amsterdam. The team aims to improve the current treatment and diagnosis of migraine.