What is UX design and why is it important?

Matt Hirst
Digital Suffolk
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2023
UX and UI images of mobile with statistics diagram.

User experience (UX) design considers how real human users interact with, and experience products and services, in their everyday lives. The core focus of UX design is to create intuitive, seamless experiences that solve users’ needs and meet business goals. This human-centred approach applies across a vast range of products and services from websites and mobile apps to kitchen appliances, vehicles, wearable devices, and beyond.

The key principles of UX design are understanding contextual user needs, behaviours, and expectations through empirical research. UX designers rely on a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods to gain insights into how diverse users think, feel, and interact with products in real-world scenarios. Ethnographic techniques like user interviews, surveys, diary studies, participant observations, and usability testing allow designers to gather feedback directly from users. Personas, user cases, and user stories help capture and communicate insights. Analytics and usage metrics further quantify behavioural patterns. This research arms UX designers with empathy and data to inform user-centric solutions.

With research insights as a guide, UX designers imagine ideas and iterate effective product experiences. They apply core practices like information architecture, interaction design, visual design, writing for UI, prototyping, and usability testing.

Information architecture focuses on structuring, organising, and labelling content and functions in an intuitive way.

Interaction design defines each step and option in the user journey, considering how users will navigate flows, input data, receive feedback, and reach goals.

Visual design optimises layout, typography, colour, imagery and styling to ensure an accessible, aesthetically pleasing experience.

Writing for UI involves choosing clear language and tone for on-screen content.

Prototyping brings ideas to life for stakeholder reviews and user tests.

Usability testing then validates designs with real users for objective feedback.

Throughout the process, UX designers consider the human perspective. Even minor design choices related to information flow, navigation, findability, understandability, and efficiency can majorly impact how easily users can complete tasks and achieve their goals. UX designers iteratively refine products and services to best serve target user needs through a smooth, satisfying end-to-end experience.

For digital products, UX design also encompasses how the user interface and engineering architecture come together. UX works closely with business, engineering, and visual design teams to ensure both visual, interactive elements and technical components unite to deliver a seamless product. A shared understanding of target users keeps the team aligned.

At its core, UX design focuses on problem-solving for real humans. Well-designed experiences feel intuitive, effortless, and pleasurable from the user’s perspective, even though extensive UX research, planning, iteration, and optimisation occur behind the scenes. Meticulous UX work ensures that at every step in the user journey, products and services are cohesive, empowering, and human-centred.

UX design ultimately aims to craft experiences that people not only can use but actively want to use. When it is done right, people inherently know how to navigate products to accomplish their goals while enjoying the process. Strong design requires a holistic approach that coordinates visuals, content, interactions, information flow, and behaviours around human understanding and emotion.

