Why Is Discovery Phase a Necessary Step

Artem Semenko
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2019

Discovery phase is not only the first stage of software development, but it is also an investment in the success of your project. The well-staged goals clearly communicated to all the parties, ensure the product is delivered on time and help to avoid many risks in the development of the project.

More and more businesses recognize the importance of the discovery phase. And there are a lot of reasons for that. McKinsey shows that 17% of IT projects appear so poor, so they lead to the collapse of the company. 7% of the projects are carried out late, 45% go beyond the estimated budget. Accurate research and planning could avoid those losses. So, before the development process starts, the discovery phase needs to be initiated.

Why go through a Discovery Phase first

A discovery phase is a research period which has to indicate the beginning of each software project. It is also could be the first milestone for a client and a team in order to see how they can cooperate with each other. It involves the evaluation of the project’s scope, including what type of solutions are needed, the features and functionalities required, the best platforms to use, cost, success criteria and timescales. It gives an insight into what is important for a business, its target audience, intended market and industry. Discovery figures out what you need to achieve so that a project would be delivered on time and give a better outcome. Business discovery stage helps understand the end-users, their needs, requirements and timescale.

Often the businesses and startups skip the discovery phase before they start out a new project. It is crucial to understand whether the product will be able to make up for the cost and compensate the resources devoted to its implementation. Discovery phase is an essential step in order to manage time, energy, and budget wisely. It is a useful tool to get a clear vision of how a theoretical concept will grow into the factual realization of the product.

4 Benefits of the Discovery Phase

Discovery phase helps to single out a unique selling proposition, manage time and money strategy. Also, it is essential for delivering a top-notch digital project.

Discovery phase has the following advantages:

  • Focus on Better Solution

A discovery phase helps the team to understand the concept of the project, your company, your organizational goals, and more. When your development team has this understanding, they are able to suggest more effective solutions. Which are often either smarter, or cheaper than those proposed by the client.

  • Focus on Goals

Even if you have a very detailed business plan of your idea, it does not mean that you have considered all the possible risks, technical details, and requirements. It’s very difficult to have deep knowledge and expertise in every field. When a project fails, it’s usually the result of miscommunication or mismatched expectations. A clear understanding of your goals enables the development team to estimate time and budget. We can say that the discovery process builds effective management during the development process.

  • Focus on User Needs

Spending some time on this important step provides a vision of the actual demand for your digital product. Sometimes the projects are established without a clear understanding of what the end-user needs. The Discovery Phase will ensure that you are creating something of real value that people will use and love.

  • It Provides Context

A discovery phase provides a context for the many decisions that happen on a daily basis during the project. It is such a period when everyone involved in the project can agree. It will reduce the risk of misunderstandings and costly mistakes, allowing to make more efficient decisions. Thus, provide you with a better overcome of a project.

Disadvantages of a Discovery Phase

Despite a discovery phase is a crucial element in the process of new product development it has some disadvantages such as additional financial expenses. A Discovery phase will require an additional cost on the services of a Product Discovery Team. Though usually, the team consists only of three people. In most cases, all numerous corrections and additions in the project must be paid by the client. But this can be avoided for most clients when you follow a repeatable, thorough discovery process. Just remember, the discovery phase doesn’t increase the cost of the project as a whole. It just determines the further way of your digital product development. A typical discovery phase costs between 5–10% of the overall project. This step protects the investment.


A discovery phase helps you reduce time and money costs and specify your user needs. Whether you are getting ready to launch or implement your ideas, having a dedicated team of digital developers will enhance your efficiency.

DigitalSuits helps their clients discover all the benefits of the discovery stage. Contact us today and we will be happy you assist you in bringing your vision to life!

