A Micro-Services Acceleration Framework

Design Change Deliver
Digital Transformation Playbook
1 min readApr 20, 2018

The tale of two major US Telco operators, like most enterprises had BSS monoliths distributed and redundant, vendor locked with migration issues and rising maintenance costs. In response and in small incremental steps Tech Mahindra introduced a concept platform to incubate agility on experimental projects. Its simplicity, code re-use, ease of integration were all a big hit and soon became a weapon of choice to re-architect and migrate large applications in a strangler pattern.

The concept blossomed into Blue Marble, an end-to-end micro-services acceleration framework to catalyse the breakdown of the monoliths.

Its best parts:

  • A developer portal to collaborate and manage projects, with access to a rich repository of standardized methods, development patterns and re-use code
  • A CI-CD pipeline that automates code build, quality check, testing, containerization and deployments
  • All open source, on-premise and cloud options, built in management and monitoring of all app resources

Do drop me a line for a demo and to know more about the CI-CD stack and what’s available in the repository.

