The Closed Beta Officially Starts — Let the Testing Begin

Digitex Futures
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2019

At last, the moment we’ve all been waiting for–onboarding to the closed Digitex Beta version officially starts today! We’re proud of all the hard work we’ve put in over the last year and want to extend a special thanks to our developers for making this happen. We also want to give a shout out to our incredible Digitex community for accompanying us every step of the way.

Exactly one year after our mindblowing ICO that sold out in just 17 minutes, here we are beginning the onboarding of the first traders to the exchange, who we’ll be adding gradually in clusters. For the rest of you not taking part in the closed Beta, we’ll see you in Q2 for the public launch!

It’s been an incredible year of hard work, high expectations, and lofty goals. We’ve hit all our targets and more, even watching DGTX value climb despite the worst bear market imaginable.

While all other major coins were tanking, DGTX hit an all-time high, trading at over 14 cents and registering a 50 percent increase in just 24 hours in October. And that’s all before we went live with the exchange!

How Will the Onboarding Process Work?

There are a few things that anxious traders need to know about the onboarding process. The first is that we won’t be starting it all at once. As Adam stated previously, “we’re not in a rush to mess things up.”

Remember that we’re not trying to run before we can walk. This is a closed Beta version and it’s likely that we’ll find areas that need improvement.

The onboarding process will take some time. So, if you’re part of the closed Beta tester group, please be patient while you await your official invitation. While onboarding begins today, our developers will be gradually and consistently adding more traders to the platform.

The closed Beta version also has some limitations and we will be working to improve and upgrade in sprints. So, don’t expect all the features of the fully functioning public exchange just yet.

We’ll be working with Bitcoin futures only and without withdrawal and deposit features, so you’ll need to actively trade your DGTX! The more trades, the better!

Let us know your experiences with it, share them with the rest of the community, tell us if there’s anything missing and what you’d like to see! That’s the whole idea of the closed Beta version–to make sure we have the very best commission-free futures exchange ready for the public launch in quarter two.

“This period before quarter two public launch will be crucial in ensuring that any bugs are found and reported, that user feedback is taken into consideration, and that all features are working flawlessly. In less than a year, we’ve already done what we said we would and now we’re ready to shoot for more.”

Early Access Waitlist Reopens

With so many plans on our roadmap, the closed Beta launch is just the first in many stepping stones that we’ll leap on through the rest of the year. The Early Access Waitlist for the public launch is reopened and, just like before, you’ll have the chance to win free DGTX.

We’ll be aiming at getting the number of eager traders well past a million before going completely live as well. As Adam said:

“With such a massive interest in our exchange, it doesn’t make any sense to keep the waitlist closed. We’re confident of having well over a million traders signed up by the time the exchange goes live. They’ll each be in with a chance of winning free DGTX and we’ll be able to hit the network effect out of the park and ensure a highly liquid exchange with a high number of engaged traders.”

Once the closed Beta version is wrapped up and all the sprints carried out with upgrades, we’ll open up to the public in quarter two!

Check out our roadmap to read more about our ambitious plans for the rest of the year and be sure to refer your trader friends if you haven’t already! Remember, we’re just getting started!



Digitex Futures

A zero fee futures exchange with its own native cryptocurrency, the DGTX token.