👩‍🏫 Internship at Digithun

Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2017

Digithun’s Developer Team were excited to welcome Manusaporn Treerungroj and Zigext from Prince of Songkla University as an intern at 29 May. A month pass by…after hard work…here’s the payoff!


Frontend — High Score & CMS

Backend — Chatbot

Pave the road~

They have only 2 months for internship period (29 May — 27 July). So we have to push them to their limit and told them squeeze it out in 9 weeks for pilot test and here’s a list they will need to learn from zero. (yeah that’s a tough one)

  • Github, Github project
  • React
  • Redux
  • Higher Order Component
  • Material-UI
  • Firebase
  • NodeJS
  • ES6, ES7, async/await, destruct, template literal, and so on
  • Jest
  • Heroku
  • Travis-CI
  • VSCode
  • Minimal Agile stand up meeting, Gitter

Too much?

At first we taught it’s too much for intern to handle all this crazy js related but we don’t want to let them down when someone asking them that what they learn from us so we decide to go with it. And actually we didn’t include GraphQL, MongoDB, NextJS, Docker, Swarm and some more here just yet :)

One step at a time!

We did assign them to study The Twelve-Factor App and Gang of Four Design Patterns then let them do presentation via standup meeting (Agile) every morning. The purpose of this task is to ensure that they know what they’re doing and also to use them as quiz.

And so the story go…

We’ve a great developer team here at Digithun, so there’s no problems to teach them at all. And lucky enough that they are willing to learn!

It surprisingly turn out pretty well. When intern present Design Patterns in the morning, it also create a programming discussions after that because we let them (interns) asking us (seniors) a question each time (and yes! it’s become a quiz for chatbot later)


We’re so proud that they can make it in time and even beyond our expectations! We do learn a lot from their troubles, we has been tested with their quiz…This is almost win-win inceptions (present quiz to become quiz and quiz ourself for better quiz chatbot), we eat our own dog food and it’s just work! :)

There’s no place to hide!

First thing first we need something to measure ourself no matter what, This kind of quiz is perfect fit for that purpose. After all, we’ll know what we miss and where we can improve which is awesome! It seem like we just unit test ourself!

Will we do it again?

Of course! Until next time…Happy Quizzing! :)

