The unofficial guide to Tailwind and ActionText for Rails 6

Nauman Tariq
Digit Magz
Published in
5 min readNov 6, 2020

-- engineering team always looks for emerging technologies that enable them to be more innovative through examining how other companies solve the same problem. While we have been using veutify for a long time, we are not afraid to explore other emerging technologies.

Recently, we began to explore Tailwind UI components, and to be honest I can say that it’s worth the small investment.

If you need to create a prototype in a certain space of time and desire nice-looking results, then Tailwind UI combined with a bit of Rails scaffolding, it looks really good.

Note: that’s not an affiliate link, it’s just I love Tailwind UI, and its an approach

While playing around, decided to start with scaffolding setup and it produced expected results

True, true, but let’s add some more spice to this, shall we add a rich text editor?

rails g scaffold post content:rich_text

