Portfolio Template

E.Louise Larson
Published in
6 min readJan 15, 2019


Include your problem statement. Tell me what problems you are trying to solve. Describe your motivations, goals, and definition of success.

Example: Based on my need to better organize my time and stay on task, I decided to create an events holder — a calendar/planner where I can consolidate all of my scheduling in one place. I wanted to close the distance between me and things I need to get done. Distance, which was a term that came up in the Benjamin and Heidegger readings, how much we can relate to, or how invested we are with the purpose of an object or idea. Being nearer to the tasks I have to complete will help me remember to complete them because I will more invested in them as tasks. I also wanted to take this scheduling device one step further and add a reminder system to it. I did some research into how our brains remember things and found a study published in 2016 that found that relating a random object near you to a task you need to do increases the likelihood that you will remember to do it (link to article).

Research & Context

Describe what informed your ideas and your outcome. What makes this similar or different to other objects in the same field? How have other objects failed to solve this problem?

Reminder Holder: http://ideate.xsead.cmu.edu/gallery/projects/reminder-holder

Example: People tend to check before/after they leave their house if they did not forget anything for the day. Although a couple of moments ago they checked, they forget or they tend to doubt themselves. When I started to live alone in a country where I do not have enough information and experience, this ‘disease of checking everything when I leave my house’ had developed even further. I want to make sure I brought everything, but I do not want to get stress from it. I want to make a holder which ‘holds’ my back.

I searched for key words such as ‘physical reminder’ or ‘physical checklist’. Unfortunately, they remained in the field where they remind the owner the quality that they value in their life. Or they are limited to digital form instead.

The disease I described is called ‘Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder‘. It also includes other symptoms such as mysophobia. Currently, they are treated with meditation and psychotherapy.

Aesthetic Inspiration

What influenced your design? Is there a specific style, art movement, or natural phenomena? Include at least one example.

Rotatable Earbud Holder: http://ideate.xsead.cmu.edu/gallery/projects/rotatable-earbud-holder

Example: There are 3 major types of earbud holder in the market accessible for students.

This type of earbud holder is cheap and small. However, it does not offer protection for the earbuds, which is under risk to rub against other objects in a student’s compact bag. Also, this cheap unappealing appearance would hardly convey a sense of aesthetic elegant life-style or an emotional connection.

Prototype and Sketches

Include sketches from project plan, or new sketches from your process, that will help explain how you made this project.

This should also include an image of your cardboard prototype.

Process & Procedure

LARP Throwing Dagger Holder: http://ideate.xsead.cmu.edu/gallery/projects/larp-throwing-dagger-holder

Outline your approach to the project. What steps did you take to design, model, sketch, and prototype this project? How did you refine or reject your ideas? What materials, tools, or techniques did you need?

Example: I gave myself plenty of time to prototype. The NVBot prints fit snugly, and were sized just right. I wouldn’t need any glue to hold it together since the print inconsistencies left little bumps to dig into the laser cut wood. However, the post-processing time and effort would have added 3–4 hours of work and wait. I reprinted on the Stratasys, and just like that I had the quality I wanted, just now it was a bit loose. I cut out a 2mm craft foam spacer and the problem was resolved.

Final Product

[two renderings, five semi-pro photos]


Reflect on the process of making this project. How has the project changed from your original plan? What did you learn? What would you do differently next time? What would you change in the next iteration of this project?

Holder in Context from Event Holder: http://ideate.xsead.cmu.edu/gallery/projects/event-holder

Example: From this process I have learned that I like to put lots of parts into a design, and I need to more closely consider what is essential to the design, and keeping within the scope of the project/process. Fusion360, the laser cutters and the 3D printers are also new forms of media for me, of which I have very much enjoyed learning how to use. Media, a term used in the first article we read, is used to refer to emerging technologies, and one that people were finding all new and different uses for. Going forward I want to create a better sorting system for the tokens — which I think will be little branches — and to clean up the tokens to be colorful. I also want to find hooks for the schedules. Overall I think that this is a product that I will benefit from having and I am going to try my hardest to incorporate it into my regular life.

I also really liked the interview process we used to come up with our problem statements and solutions. It was a new ideation method for me, and one that I think I will use in the future.

Final Presentation Link



E.Louise Larson

Easily excitable. Carnegie Mellon University School of Design. IDeATe adjunct. CEO and co-Founder @ Prototype PGH.