How to trade DGX on Switcheo Exchange

Digix Official Blog
4 min readNov 29, 2019

In this guide, we will be taking a look at how to use Switcheo to buy and sell DGX tokens. This guide will be broken down into three sections:

  • Login to Switcheo Exchange
  • Depositing Your Funds
  • Start Trading

Connecting to Switcheo Exchange

Visit Switcheo Exchange. Click on any of the three highlighted “Connect Wallet” buttons to log in.

Upon clicking on the buttons, you will be prompted to the following popup:

Select your preferred method of connecting to Switcheo (Switcheo Account or your existing Blockchain Wallets).

If you’re new to trading on decentralized exchanges, you can get started by signing up for a Switcheo Account.

Alternatively, you can also log in by connecting your Ethereum wallet. Supported Ethereum wallets include Ledger, Trezor, MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and Private Key. In this case, the demo will log in with MetaMask.

Depositing your Funds

Check your balances by clicking on the “Your Wallet” button at the top right corner of the exchange homepage.

Next, you will be presented with your Wallet Manager. In your Wallet Manager, you will see the list of tokens available for trading, your wallet and contract balances, and your tokens in open orders.

On the far right, you will see the “Deposit” and “Withdraw” tabs that you will use to transfer funds to and from your wallet. You can deposit DGX or DAI to begin trading on the DGX/DAI pair.

Once you’re done making a transfer, you can track your transaction details by clicking on the “Transfer History” button on the left of the sidebar.

Start Trading

To begin trading, click on the dropdown menu on the top left and select the DGX/DAI trading pair. Alternatively, you can also search for DGX in the search bar.

Once you’ve selected the trading pair, you can view the open orders and information on each order.

On your left, the Order Book consists of the Buy and Sell tabs, the Order Type (Limit/Market), the Order Table, and the Estimated Fees of your order.

To place an order, click on the Buy or Sell tab. Then, select Limit Order or Market Order.

In the box labeled “Price,” type in the Price you are willing to Buy or Sell at (Limit Order Only).

In the box labeled “Amount,” type in the number of tokens you are looking to Buy or Sell.

Click the Buy or Sell button at the bottom of the Order Table to execute your order. For more information on Switcheo’s fees, click here.

Visit Switcheo Exchange to start trading DGX today!

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