How To Choose Love

Dignity platform
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2018


Image by Rob Pinney

If there is only one thing you take away from this talk, let it be this:

Don’t get lost in life’s many missions, choosing love in every moment is the mission.

What does it mean to choose love? You may have seen it on t-shirts for the popular Help Refugees charity campaign. Here the words speak of choosing to help & care for refugees, rather than fear or persecute them. It centers on the ability we have to choose to trust; and plays on our natural altruism.

But the message goes beyond just this dynamic. The phrase ‘choose love’ has become more of a social movement, dare I say ‘spiritual call-to-action’; for everyone to think about the choices they have each day.

I believe all choices come down to the root decision of love or fear, and we can live by either of these paths.

Love grows: trust, respect, compassion, responsibility, kindness, truth, joy, happiness, and generosity.

Fear grows: mistrust, blame, control, disrespect, unkindness, jealousy, anger, sadness, and judgment.

Everyday we live by moments of choice, be it: in the supermarket, in conversation, online or internally. We have the fortune of freewill. We choose how to think about things, how to act on them and therefore own the power to create our lives through decisions.

The message i’d like to share with you today, is simply the profound impact we can all have, if we consciously choose love in each moment. And that doesn’t have to mean going out of your way, to do something heroic; i’m talking about the everyday stuff we forget makes the biggest difference. Forgiving another driver before sounding the horn, giving time for that overdue conversation, spending your money on things that helps not hinders the World, or perhaps giving yourself some love and forgiveness.

It’s doing your best; that’s all love is.

And those actions of care create ripples, as love, just like fear, is wonderfully infectious. You see or receive an act of love, it often compels you to give the same.

It’s about time we gave up the taboo around peace & love, because as far as I can tell, hippies have got it right. Life is about love. Smile to strangers, speak to your neighbours, join a community group , change to clean energy, volunteer; take the action that gives you that fuzzy feeling no one is able to describe and let that be your life compass; and life will recuperate what you give.

Because really it’s all of our little actions of love that water the growth of positive impact. Our choice of behavior ultimately shapes our: economy, our communities, our leadership, our solutions, our self development and our trust in others. This human evolution of care is bringing us to a more unified civilization. To a World that functions with more sense, peace, joy and care.

So next time you face a moment of choice, ask yourself;

how do I choose love in this moment?

