An H7 poem

Sunder and Sonati
Anhad ka Baaja
Published in
Dec 25, 2023

Forty years ago
When I was a freshie
Ahmed asked me
During “ragging”
“What do you know about Palestine?”
Yasser Arafat and
Olive trees were
All that I knew then
Ahmed seemed satisfied with this
And smiled

When he used to return
From football
Muddy and sweaty
And see me sitting on “Marine drive”
He would ask
Smiling broadly
“So, Ezvee, my friend
How is hostel life treating you?”

Last night
Forty years on
Ahmed appeared in my dream
Smiling as always
And asked me
“So, Ezvee, my friend
What do you know about Palestine, now?”

Today, I wonder
Ahmed, my friend
Where will you be?
Will I find you if I search
From the river to the sea?

