Morkozhambu with Mama

Sunder and Sonati
Anhad ka Baaja
Published in
Aug 7, 2022

On the anniversary of Mama’s passing
I remember my last meeting
With him:
Physically frail, but
Sharp as ever

He asked me
What I had had for lunch:
(We shared a love of food)
I told him, and then said
I would be back next week, and
Mami would make
Morkozhambu for us
“Muttaal-ukku Morkozhambu”
He was fond of saying

That was not to be:
He died the very next day
At home

They say I resemble him
And it’s true
When I look in the mirror
I see him smiling back at me

And, of course
Whenever I have Morkozhambu
I have it with him and his
Muttaal-ukku Morkozhambu”

