Bye failed resolutions…

… Hello, fresh hopes!

Ishan Mahajan
Dilettante’s Den
3 min readJan 1, 2018


It’s the beginning of yet another year. And even though beginning of the year resolutions might seem the most cliched thing to talk about in the first post of the year, I am going to do it anyway.

Exactly a year ago, I announced my reading and writing targets for the year on Facebook.

Not that anybody gives a damn, but I have always felt sharing on social media helps keep a record of your intent and puts you on a virtual stage with pressure to perform.

Cut to today, and here I am sharing how miserably I failed at achieving both the targets.

I love infographics. Who doesn’t?

More than anything else, I regret the abysmal performance with the reading resolution, not least because it is worse off than the previous year. Also, two books a month doesn’t really sound that hard.

Of course, I am delighted that taking up this challenge pushed me to read a few books I would have not picked up otherwise. I have realised that most books leave you with something to smile about, ponder over, or just help you feel you are not alone in your thoughts.

Having company always helps. Just like I had company in failing my reading target.

If you are interested in a few other stats, there is an appendix to this post.

84% of the people were unable to meet the target. Yes! Comfort in collective failure.

Not that this has been an year of disappointment by any stretch. I got to vacation with my folks after a long time and went to Nepal, finally made a trip to the US and spent a lovely few days with my adorable niece, rediscovered heartbreak but also found what love can feel like, reconnected with old friends and had the most amazing conversations, picked up a new instrument and put my first foot forward towards where I want this blog to be.

As far as resolutions go, this year I will maintain the targets I had last year. The attempt is to get there this time, but if nothing else, I hope it makes me explore new stories and share what I want with you, dear reader.

Here’s wishing you a happy new year from the pen of Dilettante’s Den. And I hope you achieve whatever you want and more this year.

Appendix: Goodreads — some more numbers

I had been keeping track of this number (you can judge me). As you can see, nearly a million people — a third of the total — joined after half a year was over. Around 300 people were done by mid Jan. Whaaat!

Spreadsheets for the win!

And just a week ago, on Christmas day, the achievement tracker looked like this.

Snapshot from the 25th of December, 2017.

That completion percentage went from less than a percent to 16% in 5 days. Eleventh hour rush is a thing.




Ishan Mahajan
Dilettante’s Den

When people tell me to mind my Ps & Qs, I tell them to mind their there's and their's!