What is HYBSE?

Morten Madsen
DIM Univers
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2018

What is HYBSE?
HYBSE is short for Hybrid Stock Exchange and is a part of the DIM ECOSYSTEM.
HYBSE was programmed by financial and software specialists formerly employed at the well known Xetra ( Frankfurt stock market). So it can be fairly concluded that this platform is very professional programmed and designed by people with high knowledge about the trading environment.

What can you trade on HYBSE? Almost everything, here take a look:

  • Cryptonized shares
  • Cryptonized currencies
  • Commodities
  • Index
  • Forex
  • ETC (Exchange-traded commodities)
  • ETF (Exchange-traded fund)
  • ETN (exchange-traded note)

Furthermore small and medium businesses can use HYBSE to seek capital and go public through an IPO.

What are the advantages of using HYBSE?
The normal trading platform is too expensive, over-regulated and takes ages to clear simple trades. With HYBSE the whole trading environment changes! HYBSE is a low-cost operational trading platform that offers fast clearing, transparency, very user-friendly interface and most important of all, it’s highly secure.

The normal procedure when trading different financial instruments where the investor (you) must trade through your broker -> then the broker must clear the transaction with a clearing house -> then the custodian must confirm the transaction -> and finally the transaction is put in the ledger.

When trading on HYBSE is only a small tree step procedure
Companies/issuer -> HYBSE -> investor (you). Fast, cheap and very secure.

When is HYBSE ready?
HYBSE will be ready September 2018. According to this update from the DIM team, the programming is 40% done. You can see the announcement here. The best news is that HYBSE is in negotiation with over 25 companies to be listed on HYBSE!
The DIM team will release snapshots of the development of HYBSE a long the way. You can follow the development on their Telegram channel here.

Earn money with the fees on HYBSE
The trading fees on HYBSE is 0,1% of the volume on each transaction. 30% of that fee will be transferred as a dividend to the TOKENS holders with more than 50+ DIM TOKENS. You can passively earn money just by holding DIM TOKENS in your DEPOTWALLET. You can read more about DIM TOKENS here.

You can also earn a lot of money by helping companies listing on HYBSE. You will be rewarded with 0,1% of the company’s listing market value. This can turn out to be some serious money.

