Unravelling the challenge of repeatability in 3D printed spare parts

DiManEx blog
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2018

by Henk Jonker

Quality control

3D printing spare parts can contribute significantly to supply chain optimization. So far, companies that are adopting 3D printing for spares are doing so at small scales. This is due to a number of things, including a perceived lack of technological maturity, poor standardization and lack of expertise. Perhaps the most important barrier is the qualification of AM-produced parts. In fact, many characterize quality assurance (QA) as the single biggest hurdle preventing the widespread adoption of AM technology.

How can you ensure that you can repeatedly produce parts according to spec anywhere in the world? At DiManEx, we work with Additive Manufacturing partners across regions. Guaranteeing consistency and quality is key to our offering. The approach we have developed towards quality assurance can be described as follows.

Thorough understanding of quality demands and careful information management

An important step in defining the quality of parts is the definition of the specific quality demands (e.g. critical dimensions) during parts intake, as well as part specifications and drawings. At DiManEx, we make sure we gather and understand those specific quality demands from customers. We need to know, define and agree upfront with the customer about the quality level needed in order to achieve it repeatedly.

A secured knowledge base

Tapping into a professional ecosystem is key to have all the necessary knowledge on board. It’s important to find the right information needed to produce parts according to specifications. Our database is carefully maintained and upgraded with the latest know-how from equipment and raw material suppliers, as well as technical universities.

Look for partners that comply with quality standards

Select and audit the right production partner(s). These should be companies that have extensive experience in manufacturing, who truly understand materials and the challenges of post-processing. Last but not least, they should comply with the industry’s quality standards.

Gather, monitor and gain insights from performance data

Getting the right data from the customer at the start of the process is key, we never take anything for granted. However, we also gather, monitor and control in-process data to ensure the consistency and reliability of parts quality — which is of highest importance. Gathering this data is very useful for reporting, feedback and implementing improvement programs. We also measure the performance of our Additive Manufacturing partners with a focus on quality, deliveries, logistics and costs.

Parts quality testing and certification

The final stage of our quality control process consists of testing. Depending on customer specifications and additional demands specified during parts intake, we test parts according to their visual, dimensional, and mechanical properties. We also work with certification partners to certify parts according to tests carried out in specific environments.

Our process

We’ve found that this approach is instrumental to guarantee quality and repeatability. Do you have concerns or thoughts about how this challenge can be addressed for your company? Contact me for a chat.

Henk Jonker is Co-founder and COO at DiManEx, a global enterprise platform for distributed 3D manufacturing.



DiManEx blog

DiManEx is a global enterprise platform for distributed 3D manufacturing.