Interview with Dan, Operations Manager of DIMCOIN

Yannick Zehnder
DIMCOIN Coverage
Published in
5 min readJul 31, 2018

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and does not provide financial or investment advice. The reader is aware that there are special risks involved in dealing with blockchain and cryptocurrency assets.
Additional disclaimer: I am involved with DIMCOIN as a promoter. The following is my personal view and not an official communication by DIMCOIN.

Francis Y. Zehnder: Dear Dan, thank you for taking the time to talk to me. Can you please give the audience a quick intro about yourself and how you got involved with the cryptosphere?

Daniel Liu: Thank you Francis, I have a history of different operational roles, and the one thing that they all have in common is management of human capital and expectations of deliverables from individuals. I first dabbled in cryptocurrencies in 2011 when I had a couple of Canadian dollars in my student account, which I used to buy bitcoins on one of the early exchanges in America. Unfortunately, those account details have since been lost to me. But in the crypto rise around the beginning of 2017, I started to look for alternative gateway sources for my network of clients, which led me to the DIM Foundation.

FYZ: You have a shared background between China (Hong Kong) and South Africa. Both are in dominant regions for crypto adoption. How would you compare the two and what are the differences in how the societies are engaging with crypto?

DL: I’m wary of comparing South Africa because even though our administrative back office is based here, I must emphasise that the DIM Ecosystem and the Hybrid Stock Exchange, function in the global sphere. I think that such a comparison may confuse the issue and create the impression of geographical delimitation to the DIM Ecosystem and the HYBSE.

FYZ: From having met you and talking to you at the back-office in Johannesburg, South Africa, I think you have a very deep understanding of how to structure (operationally) any kind of group endeavour or project. I have always been convinced that the most undervalued position at any company or project is the COO/Operations Manager. Like a general he has to stand on the hill and direct everyone in the right direction. By that he ensures that the people involved with their respective departments can deeply focus on their respective tasks. Would you agree on my understanding of the role of an Operations Manager or how would you define the role of an Operations Manager?

DL: Agreed. But I don’t believe that it is undervalued, just misunderstood. Operations Management is people management in its rare essence, and I have found that the most effective way of managing a varied array of individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, languages and circumstances is through charismatic leadership. Tasks and projects will naturally be accomplished if the people’s frame of mind is in the right space. I believe positive criticism creates an environment that fosters alternative thinking to problem solving. But the number one quality in OM is positive acceptance of change and to manage that change so that it always results in a positive outcome.

FYZ: DIMCOIN and the DIM Ecosystem are a highly complex and extensive project. Having seen all the bits and pieces that have to come together perfectly to make the project work I can imagine your tasks are pretty widespread. Can you please give us some insights on your internal tasks?

DL: The first port of call is motivation, and a constant reminder that we must endeavour to achieve the goals of the company beyond monetary value. It’s important to remind my teams that we are all participating in empowering the world, and that we are at the forefront of something revolutionary. The normal day to day consists of negotiations with various vendors locally and abroad, and aligning the various projects and tasks with the appropriate teams, while ensuring effective time management with regards those projects. I conduct positive scrutiny of all published works, and of course, I am currently engaged in the general alignment of the company structure of the South Africa main back office since it is the model that will be replicated as a starting point for all the DIM Foundations to be set up globally.

FYZ: The DIM does not only consist of your own collaborators for internal purposes but also of a growing group of promoters and ambassadors. Like myself, lots of us joined as early adopters and as believers in the DIM vision and want to be part of the process of spreading the word and fuel adoption of the different parts of the DIM Ecosystem. What is your vision for the DIM external partners such as promoters and ambassadors?

DL: Ambassadors and Promoters form part of the foundation from which the DIM Ecosystem grows. These forerunners of the brand will collate business interest and the people’s interest onto one platform and drive the necessary change in targeted traditional markets until enough resources are gained to prepare the groundwork for regional DIM Foundations in their respective regions. And in fact, I would like to say to our Ambassadors and Promoters that, though the feat we are aiming to achieve is not easy, and a lot will be asked of you, and the horizon may seem beyond reach at the best of times, I have no doubt that together we are doing something great, and that the DIM Ecosystem is going to change the game, and the world will be better off for it.

FYZ: Thank you very much for your answers. I always conclude my interviews with the question: When moon?

DL: *smiles* When SpaceX eventually puts people on Mars, DIM will be the official currency.

Thank you for reading — if you liked what you read, feel free to share, like and comment. Also feel free to suggest any improvements and corrections to the article in the comments below!

For extra “thank yous” here are my donation addresses:

BTC: 1H7p8QFU5mLWLJGwjxjK3mErrWkgGgvb34
ETH: 0x762bd7dcd23aec62d1a5bd3e3b2b57bb1b64026d

This article can be changed at any time without notice.



Yannick Zehnder
DIMCOIN Coverage

Co-founder & CEO @ CEVEN. Bleeding edge tech enthusiast, marketing adept, teacher. Man of many hats.