Building a bridge to London

Stamp your passport, virtually, with DINE4SIX.

Mira Sydow
3 min readJun 21, 2020


We’re extending a virtual arm across the continent to host events in London; where you can mingle with like-minded individuals in your city, from the comfort of your home.

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well,”. Virginia Woolf.

This quote sums up the significance of social dinners; a sacred gathering with the potential to strengthen relationships and provide a sense of belonging. This ritual contributes to the mental and social well-being of individuals and forms part of their habitual activity. It provides an opportunity to share how they’re feeling, discuss interesting topics and exchange knowledge.

We know it can get lonely, especially with the current international state of affairs, but let’s be honest, did you try to meet new people and grow your social circles before the pandemic and its stringent safety measures? Probably not.

Meeting someone through the cloud isn’t as daunting as trying to spark a conversation in a public setting with someone you don’t know. Also, the fear of rejection becomes a distant memory, considering our platform provides that safe fourth wall, your screen.

The advancement of technology and social media has made it easier for people to stay connected with their respective communities, comprising of friends, family members, and people they’ve worked with. However, forging new ties doesn’t entail abandoning the existing social community they have, it means being open to learn fresh perspectives from people outside of your intimate circles.

By meeting new people, you expose yourself to fresh ideas and knowledge, whilst learning about unique cultures and different topics. Broaden your horizon, sounds cliche, until you consider the instrumental benefits it can have to your social life.

With the amazing connections we’ve created in South Africa, we’re incredibly excited to be hosting virtual events in London. Before we kick-off in July, we would like to find out from you where you’re from and what you’re most excited to chat about. So, don’t get left behind because of preconceived ideas of how these video calls play out, test it, and realise that there’s an ocean of new people who are single and share the same interests eagerly wanting to meet you. I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes:

“Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much,”. Helen Keller.

This quote sums up the platform, DINE4SIX has created and strives to enhance so you can build bridges and networking forms part of your daily activities. We feel strongly that you’ll reap the benefits and look forward to hosting you on our platform. If you would like to attend our virtual dinner, please feel free to use our promotional coupon valid for July 2020.

