DineroONE multiverse payment system. Understanding how it works and the problem it solves

Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2018

We live in a fast-paced world, a world where before a product becomes vogue it is already out of style. Trends rise fast and fades out faster. Systems are constantly being put in place to meet this requirement that can help businesses stay in style and live up to the demands of the 21st century.
One of the biggest problems businesses and traditional financial payment providers will pay millions of dollars to solve is how to make payments more fast and instantaneous and we are glad that these are the problems the DineroONE product and platform will solve.

There have always been issues with making payment and handling large transactions and most times all the clients, customers, business partners are asking for is simple; how to make payment without much hassle and stress.

In recent times, cryptocurrency has been looked on with a lot of optimism because of some its amazing features made possible by the disruptive technology of blockchain, which will change the world.

The Blockchain technology has made transfer of value more distributed and peer2peer doing away with intermediary financial parties but there are still some issues that cryptocurrency cannot manage properly which the DineroONE product and platform will proffer solutions ;

· Merchants find it difficult to count money (cash) and can’t have a real time update of how much they have at hand. This is a very herculean task for business owner but must be done for avoid regulatory fines.

· Inability to accept cryptocurrency due to lack of adequate software and hardware applications thereby making them loose clients who prefer paying for products and services using cryptocurrency.

· Customers find it difficult accessing where to exchange cryptocurrency.

· Sometimes there are limited places that allows the use of credit cards, making it impossible to buy or pay for services at such places without using fiats

In view of the above-mentioned challenges, the DineroONE multiverse payment system has carried out proper market and industry research on how to solve these problems providing a one for all product-platform that accurately meet these needs with the required speed.

DineroONE will solve these problems by providing cutting edge and pragmatic real time solution by creating a system that does the following;

· DineroONE multipurpose cash drawer/platform: with this product, Dinero solves the problems of counting cash by helping merchants and business owners count cash, cryptocurrency and credit transactions providing an updated real time value on the Display screen of the business owner’s app and the device itself. Giving a total breakdown of the cash balance, denomination in fiats currencies, not only that, with showing real time cash, credit card and cryptocurrency balance, it will also display total current balances in our cryptocurrency Dinero (DNRO) at the current exchange rate.

· DineroONE will also provide a payment gateway service for card transaction which will minimize the hardware devices and meet customers’ needs better.

· DineroONE will allow the use of cryptocurrency as a means of payment with our pay-everywhere concept

· To meet the need of users, DineroONE will also provide “ATM” like service, where customers will be able to exchange their cryptocurrency for cash and vice versa in business premises that uses DineroONE device and platform, where it is permitted by law.

· All-in-one solution means you have PC, Monitor, Bar code scanner, POS, etc., all integrated in one device.

With these solutions we believe that the DineroONE product-platform will provide cutting edge and real time solutions for local businesses to solve their own problems and to meet the teeming needs of their customers, thereby delivering better services.

