Celebrating Valentine’s Day in your Dingbats* Notebook

Renee Abisaad
Dingbats* Notebooks
3 min readJan 30, 2019

Hi everyone!

February is the month of romance, hearts, boxes of chocolate, roses, stuffed animals, Valentine’s Day and LOVE 💕 And even though a lot of people don’t like to celebrate Valentine’s Day — because they find it too commercial — I like to take the opportunity during that day to remember love in it’s purest form and to emphasise the importance of love in my life.

This year I decided to celebrate love a bit differently in my Dingbats* notebook. I made a few spreads in order to show my appreciation and love to myself and my life. It’s very important to love and be kind to yourself first. Lots of times I neglect to be nice to myself, so I decided to change that with the following pages.

I created a spread in my bullet journal about Valentine’s day. It was so nice to spend some ‘me’ time with myself, while I was drawing and doodling away. It’s was a very nice time to relax, reflect and play around with colours. For me drawing is very therapeutic, so I really enjoyed that time I took for myself.

For the second spread I created a gratitude log. I used to create one of these every month, but for some reason I stopped. On this page I am going to write every day something that I appreciate having in my life. It’s nice to spend some time at the end of the day and reflect on what you’re most grateful for. It’s good for the soul 🙏🏻

‘By consciously starting your day focused on gratitude and joy, you’ll find that your whole life will begin to sparkle.’ (Pam Grout — ‘E-Cubed’)

The last page I created has to do with self-love. It is something that I saw in Caitlin’s Corner last March, and I really wanted to give it a try. It’s a self love page, where I’ll write 14 things I like about myself.

I think a lot of people (including myself) find it difficult to come up with things to love themselves about. It’s easier to be hard on ourselves and when it comes to showing some love, people mistake it for arrogance sometimes. So this spread will help me to be nice to myself and find 14 things that I love about me. Let’s see what I’ll come up with! 😉

So, this is the way I decided to celebrate love during February. What do you like to do during that month? Do you create any similar spreads in your notebook? Let me know in the comments below.

Christina x


