DingTalk Intelligent Front Desk, See you guys in CES

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2 min readDec 7, 2017

DingTalk aims to provide a comprehensive intelligent office solution for the 43 million small-medium sized enterprises in China. Key to this strategy is the development of software and hardware to create a fully integrated intelligent office solution. Our vision for the future is an intelligent office with staff, software and hardware working together seamlessly to create an efficient working environment that maximizes output for organizations.

As part of this goal we have worked hard on creating powerful hardware that integrates with our DingTalk software. In October we released the “M2 Ding Intelligent Front Desk”. The Intelligent Front Desk is an aesthetically pleasing, highly intelligent facial recognition system.

M2, THe Intelligent Front Desk

While many organizations rely on staff cards for employees to gain access to the office, cards are often lost or misused resulting in security risks for organizations. Utilizing facial recognition systems such as the Intelligent Front Desk eliminates this risk by providing secure access to designated areas. The Intelligent Front Desk has the ability to identify up to 5 people at once from 3 meters away within 0.6 seconds, even under extreme lighting conditions. This highly efficient scanning system avoids delays in entrance, providing a smooth clock-in for employee attendance.

Data captured from the Intelligent Front Desk is fed to the DingTalk application database. This data is used to record staff attendance on behalf of employees, providing a definitive report for management and HR. The automation of the recording staff attendance is a great example of how our focus on creating integrated software and hardware provides an effective solution for organizations.

We will meet in CES.

DingTalk link: https://www.dingtalk.com/en




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