The Art of Keeping it Together for HR Staff

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5 min readSep 18, 2018

Mary, my roommate, an HRG of a small sized company, she is stressed about work.

To try to help her out, I introduced my friend Sarah, my Company’s HRG. Hopefully Sarah can help her out.

We decided to meet up at a restaurant. I sat at the side while listening to their conversation. It’s pretty neat because I actually learnt a lot from their exchange. Sarah is a very experienced HRG and she handles situations with a high level of professionalism.

Work is tough. When you were at school, you were thinking, gosh, studying is so tough, I want to be an adult, I want to work. However, when you start work, you realize that the working world is much tougher than a student. You deal with endless deadlines, challenges, politics and messy work processes. It requires one to consistently have a level head and stay above the water.

Human Resources plays a very important role in a company, a key player in the corporate hierarchy. Every day, they manage relationships between employees and the company. Depending on each day, sometimes, days are great, but other days, they probably feel like this inside:

In any case, these are a few tips to avoid the nervous breakdowns at work.

1. Be aware of your surroundings

Emotions at the office is a dangerous thing. Your Co-workers may see but not understand, resulting in gossip about you floating around the office. To and from work may result in someone having a timely camera and having pictures posted online, with a caption “C’est La vie”. Once you get home, that is a safe place to just let it all out.

2. Avoid using Social network platforms

Everyone has accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc., you have your family member, friends, and co-workers on it. You used to post tons on there and gain a lot of likes from your co-worker. However, when you want to complain or curse work, you do well to reconsider. That’s the result of mixing the life and work together.

3. Beware of how you response online

For example, often, employees would ask:

- “Hey, could you please tell me our leave policy?”

- “Excuse me, I clocked in every morning, but why do I have a lot absence on my attendance sheet?”

- “Why our company never has any training or workshops? I don’t think I am growing here.”

Even though you really want to respond with:

- “Didn’t you read the public statement about leave policy on the announcement board?”

- “Because you are late every morning, that’s why it says absent.”

- “Sorry, no money.”

But since as an HR, you have to be careful your response and be nice to everyone, the response becomes:

- ”Dear, the policy is….”

- “No problems, I will look into it and correct it appropriately”

- “Dear, what kind of training do you need? We can apply for a budget from the management.”

And if you message something by accident, you’d better pray your communicator has a recall function.

What else?

Don’t throw your laptop. Avoid alcohol to solve problems. The answer is never on the bottom of the bottle and you need a sober mind to do your work, check the attendance and payroll.

HR should remain put-together and smart at all times. Your value is to help this company grow, by working on the payroll system, training courses, and building culture. You shouldn’t get wrapped up in trivial things like paperwork which is time consuming. You need ways to help you get the tedious items done in a smart and efficient way.

Sarah said. “Why not try to use DingTalk? The all-in-one mobile work platform. It’s specially developed for business communication and collaboration, to segregate your work and private life so you can stay focused and efficient at work.”

If monthly attendance work can be done in 2 hours on Dingtalk, why spend two days dealing with papers and excel spreadsheets? The mobile attendance function can do a lot of the tedious work. You don’t need to collect, count and re-enter attendance information again. Every day, DingTalk can give you and your manager a quick status update. With just one click, staff can easily sign-in once they arrive at the office. And you can export the data every month. Even when someone applied for a leave, it will automatically have integrated with monthly data.

A small but interesting function is that DingTalk has a recall function to recall your messages. So handy! It recalls items within 24 hours! And to save your effort, you can re-edit the message.

Using DingTalk, a specially designed all-in-one workplace for SMEs. HR’s work and life just got easier.

Visit the official promotion page for more information.




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