Air transport and Web3: What future for the sky of the metaverse?

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9 min readMay 19, 2023

The world is never as beautiful as seen from above! An obvious fact of course, but a not so obvious maneuver for our DinoVox, their small arms and their tendency to stay rooted on their MOTU of the FenuaVerse.

And yet. Airplanes are crucial to daily life and the economy in French Polynesia, and therefore, they capture the attention of everyone, even our pixelated dinos. Symbols of travel, tourism or even escape, this sector of the economy was able to perceive the potential of the metaverse very early on, to take part in it, and above all to enjoy it. And this intrigued us.

What if the FenuaVerse also became a dream destination? Better yet, what if the FenuaVerse allowed the development of a whole new industry and economy in French Polynesia? A solution — among others — that would allow many companies to take a step up in the current economic context.
What if the FenuaVerse sky became the new playground for virtual planes of real companies? Buckle up and get ready for take-off!

Fly to French Polynesia

Metaverse and airplane : In business class with the DinoVox

We already see you coming.

“Holy dino, what could the metaverse and airplanes possibly have in common?”

Well, it’s quite simple. Airplanes and the metaverse both serve as vehicles for communication, trade, and social and economic activity, providing it an ideal context.

We can add to this the fact that the aeronautical sector, like the metaverse, invites travel. Each in their own way. Our DinoVox love that idea.

Polynesia ! Fly with your own wings

Airplanes are essential to the economic and social functioning of French Polynesia, an isolated territory made up of islands scattered over an area as large as Europe.

The planes that serve Fenua from the 4 corners of the world of course. But also the aircrafts that make every day the connection between the different archipelagos. And that, the DinoVox love, because everything that can participate to compensate the isolation of French Polynesia, and on the contrary allow it to shine, that makes them wave their little paws high as a sign of victory.

Opening up, interconnection, link between people and territories… Fundamentals on which all the airlines in the world are working, but which also form the ambitions of Metavers. The meeting was inevitable and initiatives are beginning to take shape around the world.
One example is the Kempegowda International Airport (BLR) in India, which has opened the BLR Metaport, one of the first airports to offer a terminal tour in the metaverse.

The meta-terminal of Kempegowda

Immersive and hyper-realistic digital space, the airport does not hide its enthusiasm for this development as a vector of collaborations, animations and interactions.

The metaverse to prepare your trip by plane

Imagine, or better yet, remember. At least, if you have already experienced it. To go to the end of the world, to Tahiti, from France, you need, among other things, a large budget, more than 20 hours of flight time, and an organization ready to accept a time difference that will make you lose the sense of the time dial. In short, it is not easy.

Even locally, it is not an easy task. Let’s remember that French Polynesia is composed of five archipelagos, 118 islands, 76 of which are inhabited. The boat, the plane: all modes of transportation are used, and they are essential. Over time, the transportation sector in French Polynesia has adapted and grown with the development of new technologies, especially in the field of aviation, which has made travel to and within the islands more accessible and efficient.

It’s no coincidence that Vueling, the Spanish low-cost carrier, has also chosen the metaverse. Airline tickets in NFT, a visit to the aircraft cabin so that the customer can project himself, everything is thought out for a complete immersion… up to the virtual test of the seats and the different classes on board.

In terms of education, Vueling is taking advantage of the opportunity to raise customer awareness of sustainable development by showing them the cost of travel for the planet, but also by choosing a responsible and fair metaverse: Next Earth.

The metaverse then becomes a support for a more sustainable future, an image of a Web3 planet that we must take care of, Next Earth also seeks to offer decentralized ownership accessible to all. NFT, launchpad or even cryptocurrency staking: users can discover the joys of decentralized finance (DeFi).

Thus, the innovation brought to us by the notion of metaverse redraws the map of the world by abolishing the borders with a virtual world that becomes the digital twin of our reality. With the help of augmented reality, virtual reality, or even a computer or a smartphone, you have immediate access to a virtual social and economic exchange space interconnected with other users in real time. This is exactly what DinoVox’s FenuaVerse intends to propose.

Take off for the FenuaVerse with DinoVox

The FenuaVerse : the dream trip in Polynesia

Polynesian culture and heritage in the FenuaVerse

We land in the FenuaVerse as we follow our chain of thought. Thanks to Web 3, you can now immerse yourself in the world and culture of the Polynesian islands like never before. You will not feel the softness of the wind coming from the sea, but you will be able to discover its values, its businesses, its colors, its unique atmosphere…
The interest is double. The FenuaVerse, populated with shops and places of exchange, will allow a direct economy, without intermediary and transparent, favoring cross-border exchanges. The inhabitants of the FenuaVerse are no longer isolated or far from everything: they are put back at the center of their own economy.

The FenuaVerse: a future opportunity for all

Of course, the metaverse — like the FenuaVerse — is still in its infancy.
However, even if they barely sketch the contours of what they will become later, major studies like the now famous McKinsey report already anticipate the metaverse as a real economic opportunity worth $5 trillion by 2030.
Meta, Louis Vuitton, Nike, Renault, Carrefour… Many sectors of the global economy and major brands are experiencing the metaverse.
And in fact, the opportunity is there, as the development of the metaverse makes it possible to abolish, as we have mentioned, many barriers:

  • social ;
  • geographical ;
  • economic; ;
  • cultural ;
  • environmental.

Reality becomes permeable and finds an immediate echo in the virtual world.
In our case, the Polynesian reality could even benefit from a set of solutions to economic and geographical constraints. Caught between the harsh reality of a fragile ecosystem and victim of man and an obsolete monetary system, the Polynesian islands have an obvious interest, by their culture, their heritage, their history, to fly to the metaverse

The metaverse: an invitation to travel

What if you transported yourself into the FenuaVerse to immerse yourself in the Polynesian culture? And before you even start your real trip, what if you started living adventures and experiences from the living room of your home?
What if you booked your plane ticket in the metaverse to immediately enjoy the Polynesian hospitality? Perhaps you’ll even be able to get answers to your questions and valuable information about the trip by going to the virtual counter where avatars of stewardesses and stewards — real ones — will answer you with kindness.
As you can see, the invitation to travel becomes both real AND virtual. Users discover a new space that can be visited and discovered and in which the experience is brand new. This is the experience that Qatar Airways has launched with the visit of the boarding area of Doha Hamad airport.
In this metaverse, you are greeted by Meta Humans — admit it, with DinoVox, it would be better, wouldn’t it?

This is the first cabin crew — composed of Meta Humans — in the metaverse, but it’s also the name of the application from Unreal Engine (a subsidiary of Epic Games ). It allows you to create realistic human avatars.
Other airports, cities — Seoul in South Korea comes to mind — or countries. — The United Arab Emirates — have taken the metaverse step to invite tourists to another form of travel and offer immersive experiences to their users.
Europe has also tried a piece of bravery, a first approximate attempt, but positive for the sharing of European cultural heritage.
The metaverse is therefore intended to make us travel. Our little Dinovox are not so crazy to want to fly over the FenuaVerse. On the contrary. Once the idea was germinated, they continued to leaf through Air News wondering if Web 3 would not be an obvious ally, an advantage and an opportunity to allow a profitable and sustainable development for all.

GRAOU Airlines

The Fenuaverse: the new Web 3 continent

Blockchain: a new air corridor

Let’s go back to our example of BLR International Airport in India. It chose to install its metaverse on Amazon Cloud infrastructure and Polygon blockchain to take advantage of Web 3 technologies:

“These companies collaborations have become essential to evolving Blockchain and other Web3 technologies such as Metaverse and NFT on a global scale. The development of the Web3 space has provided opportunities for companies, innovators and professionals who are now helping organizations develop immersive experiences. Travelers around the world can access the virtual 3D digital airport in the Metaverse on the website “
BLR Press Release

And the innovation doesn’t stop there as the airport wants to develop different types of NFT allowing different rights:

“BLR Metaport digital artworks, certificates earned for completing various industry-related training courses, collectibles, utility NFTs and dedicated NFTs are among these digital assets. Thanks to BLR Metaport, customers will soon be able to shop from their beloved brand anywhere in the world.”

The NFTs are the new hand luggage

Let’s note that the metaverse here is not meant to become a substitute for our reality, quite the contrary. Marketing tool for some, means of expression and freedom for others, it is the extension of a real space.
With the help of the blockchain, the metaverse even allows exchanges, secure and reliable transactions. Air Europa has experienced this. In partnership with TravelX. The airline sold airline tickets in the form of NFT. The first ticket, historic, was even exchanged for a million dollars at the time of the auction.
Beyond the anecdote, the choice of an innovation such as NFT to sell this ticket is not a coincidence. This non-fungible token already commits the consumer to his flight: it allows the company to create a link with its customer, even before he has set foot on the plane.

DinoVox flies with the wind

Sensitive to the notion of travel when living in the Fenuaverse, our DinoVox have continued their research. They understood that the FenuaVerse will allow :

  • to develop the emerging notion of digital travel;
  • to help to project oneself in a real trip by allowing immersive virtual visits (the destination is visited even before the arrival on the spot);
  • to maintain an exchange with future collaborators, customers, friends, family… even before the arrival in Polynesia;
  • the development of a new marketing and communication for companies which can eventually bring a considerable added value;
  • the use of blockchain technologies that help to increase tenfold the possible services in the metaverse.

In short, by taking the virtual plane, it is a matter of embarking on a new continent, the web 3 continent. The landing on the FenuaVerse will be soft.

“Whether you are an entrepreneur, an investor, an artist, a community leader, an elected official, an association president, a student… everyone will find on the FenuaVerse something to nourish his or her own development, while safely exploring the new Web3 Continent.
There is not “One FenuaVerse” but a multitude, and among this multitude the most important of all: yours!”
Understand everything about DinoVox and the FenuaVerse in 8 essential questions

Carried by the same values and by the same will to democratize the web 3, the PICS (Polynesian Islands Crypto Summit) has vocation to be the example of what we advance here. It will be possible to take part in it as well as in the FenuaVerse in order to propose a new Web 3 journey.
The FenuaVerse becomes the hybrid world, inspired by a beautiful and real Polynesia, which has vocation to be a working and business space, but also an educational and leisure space. DinoVox intends to participate to the development of Polynesia in order to allow it to fly on its own.




Adopt a #NFT DinoVox, join the FenuaVerse community, land on a mysterious island and start building your adventure