Become a DinoVox Ambassador: Official launch of the candidacy campaign

Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2022

The details and missions of DinoVox futur ambassadors were revealed a few days ago in this dedicated article.

The big moment has finally arrived: if you feel like a soul nobly born and a valiant heart of a DinoVox and you want to make the FenuaVerse shine beyond its lagoon, while proudly representing the values and ambitions of the community, it’s time to come forward and ask for your integration in the Ambassador program!

Each DinoVox Ambassador represents all DinoVox

The DinoVox Ambassadors have a very important role: they represent the whole dino-community, in all its diversity, while embodying the core values of the FenuaVerse: benevolence, mutual aid, solidarity, social and ecological responsibility, education, popularization of Web3 and new digital concepts and uses…

The DinoVox Ambassador status works on a voluntary basis, but becoming an Ambassador allows you to be granted the OG (Old Graou) status

This status provides the following advantages:

  • The benefit of a randomly minted DinoVox OG (value approximately $150)
  • Immediate inclusion in the GRAOUvernance
  • A later freemint of a Faapu (worth about $120)
  • Passive income in $GRAOU tokens based on CLASSIC ranking
  • Exclusive access to Old Graou Club discussion areas, privileges and benefits
  • Integration into the Ambassador Program (program details to be announced)

There will never be more than 100 DinoVox Ambassadors, which makes this status valuable.

Each application will be carefully considered, first by the project team and then by the new DinoVox ambassadors as they are integrated.

Important: “DinoVox Ambassador” status is linked to an individual, not to the DinoVox NFT. In other words, the sale, donation or transfer of the NFT does not transfer the rights and privileges of the ambassador to the new holder. Furthermore, the original ambassador forfeits his/her original rights and privileges. However, the DinoVox OG NFT remains associated with other related benefits ($GRAOU allowance, participation in GRAOUvernance, airdrop…)

How to apply for the DinoVox Ambassador program ?

The application is free, without commitment, open to all.

The recruitment campaign will last as long as it takes to appoint a maximum of 100 Ambassadors. However, please note that this campaign could be closed at any time, even if this number is not reached.

Applications run on 1-month cycles and close on the last day of the month.

Each applicant must complete the application form as thoroughly as possible.

Some of the questions/actions in the form are mandatory, others are optional, and an important part is left to the free expression of the aspiring ambassadors.

New applicants are reviewed at the beginning of each month and successful applicants are notified individually the following week.

Unsuccessful applicants can reapply the following month by putting forward new actions/initiatives.

There is no specific quota. One month may result in 20 Aspiring Ambassadors, the next 0.

How to be a good DinoVox Ambassador ?

There is no absolute answer to this question, and everyone can be a great ambassador in their own unique way.

The DinoVox and FenuaVerse projects have a core ambition: to become a reference gateway for the general public to access the Web3 potentials and richness in a fun, simple and secure way.

All this with the willingness to provide rich and relevant interactions between Metaverse and “real life”, especially from an economic, associative and social perspective.

These objectives are ambitious, and this is one of the reasons why the roadmap of the DinoVox project takes place over 3 decades !

It is possible that you may be particularly sensitive to the environmental protection dimension of the FenuaVerse, or to the one concerning the conservation of intangible heritage and the valorization of digital art, which the DinoVox Foundation will notably deal with. In this case, your action will be particularly guided by this aspect of the project.

Maybe you are also a popularizer at heart and a born pedagogue who doesn’t know it ! Thus, serving as a guide for beginners for their first steps as baby dino in the wonderful world of DinoVox will seem to you the most important of missions (supervision and advice of newcomers, content creation, animation, etc.)

Are you an economy or technical expert ? Describing, presenting (and even influencing) the mechanics of the $GRAOU token and the technologies underlying the FenuaVerse will be of great importance in order to make the community become more competent (imagine for a moment giving a coding course or a technical presentation in one of the classrooms of your FAAPU on the edge of the lagoon, in front of a studious group of DinoVox…)

Finally, whether you are an influencer, an entrepreneur, aa audio or video content creator… you will surely be concerned by the growth and economic development potential of the FenuaVerse and will be able to highlight this aspect.

There are many ways to be an excellent DinoVox Ambassador, it’s up to you to create your own !

Oh, one important detail: you don’t need to have thousands of followers on social networks or to consider yourself (rightly or wrongly) as someone influential to be a DinoVox Ambassador.

ALL applications will be considered and appreciated, and even the smallest of graou will be valued.

The DinoVox Ambassador Aspirant status

Once the application is accepted, the candidate obtains the status :

“Aspiring DinoVox Ambassador”.

This status lasts 1 month, renewable once, upon decision of the GRAOUvernance council, composed of the operational team and active DinoVox Ambassadors.

It provides access to the exclusive discussion areas of the Old Graou Club

At the end of this period, and on the advice of the council, the candidate is granted the status of full DinoVox Ambassador




Adopt a #NFT DinoVox, join the FenuaVerse community, land on a mysterious island and start building your adventure