DinoVox Foundation, incubator and common Fare for Web3 artists

Published in
7 min readNov 24, 2022

DinoVox is a « world project » that will need the whole Metaverse extent to grow in many directions.

Among its major objectives the FenuaVerse project natively includes a Foundation that will be dedicated to the conservation, protection and promotion of new digital art forms the Web3 makes possible. This Foundation will be settled under the roof of a welcoming common « fare » (« house » in polynesian).

Follow the guide, we take a tour of the gallery.

The missions of the DinoVox Foundation

The DinoVox Foundation will have its own independant organization, segregated form the economic mecanics of the rest of the project.

In other words, while DinoVox will have a commercial and economic model designed to sustain its growth (NFT, $GRAOU token underlying mecanics…), the architects of the FenuaVerse deemed mandatory that the Foundation should be free and autonomous.

This way, considerations out of the mission set to the Foundation will never risk to interfere.

What is this mission about ?

« As a gateway towards new digitl usecases, DinoVox is targeted to a significant and positive impact on the world in general(ecanomic growth, development, education …) Some topics are however central and reach beyond the framework of blockchain, web3 and crypto development up to stronger and more fondamental values.

The protection of the planet, the biodiversity, sustainable and smooth growth, preservation and valuation of art, culture and heritage (especially immaterial) are some topics the DinoVox have at heart to defend » (DinoVox White Paper)

In another chapter we will talk about the ecological and cultural dimensions of the Foundation (but this article is a good glimpse of the ambitions and dyniamics) but today we will focus on the protection, incubation and highlighting of digital art at the dawn of the Web3 continent emersion.

Protecting and supporting web3 art, why is it mandatory ?

With the development of new decentralized models supporting Web3, creators and artists specifically have a new opportunity, a once in a lifetime opportunity, to deal directly with their community as never before.

Even better, this proximity can transform into organic interconnexion : the artist, nurtered and backed by the community, can stimulated and reward incentivizing the community.

On a purely creative angle, some artists already include the influence of their community in their creative process in real time.

Artists have always worked « on order » (Da Vinci Mona Lisa was an order), but for the first time the ability to directly influence the creative process is leaving the hands of a few select privileged for these of anyone willing to follow his favorite artists using a Web3 wallet, a NFT or a DAO smart contract (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

With great freedom comes great responsibilities

This huge freedom comes with a price. Considering some usual intermediates of the art trade are now sorted out of the equation (galleries, agents, curators, auction rooms…), the artist can feel some disarray, missing references in this new digital environment where everything is to build.

This is especially true when the artist feels better in monastic meditation within his workshop than in the turmoil (even caring) of the communities found on social media.

This is a new iteration of the universal rule by which a new right, a new freedom, comes with new rules, sometimes felt as new restraints.

Cool sidetrack about NFT

More important, a whole generation of artists is taking their first steps in the Web3 or is hesitating, due to the above mentioned reasons, to take this trip towards unknown territories.

This hesitation is more often than not due to the ignorance of the (looking complex) tools and also because of all the cliches and misconception surrounding the « NFT topic ».

This is not the point of this article (we’ll talk about it soon), yet the opportunity is perfect to say it again : Once understood and properly used, the NFT technology is the most beautiful tool designed for the benefit of artists since the invention of the marble chisel and the paint brush.

Throughout history there has never been any other innovation that granted both a new field of artistic expression and a powerful mean of monetization while demonstrating the perfect authenticity of a creation in a record that is auditable by anyone, irrefutable and censorship resistant.

Would it be only for these aspects, NFTs would deserve the name of revolution and their impact on many other sectors is barely foreseen.

How will DinoVox support and protect creators on the Web3 ?

With the Foundation project DinoVox has the ambition to act positively for artists and creators already engaged in Web3 and NFTs and, more importantly, for the ones still hesitating to take the leap.

This action will be set as follows :

Learning, trainings and information towards the artists and creators beginning within the ecosystem. This helping hand will take different shapes, from mentoring by Web3 artists of the FenuaVerse to trainings both face-to-face and in the FenuaVerse in order to grasp the fundamentals, creation technics and monetization.

Scholarships to support creation. Within the GRAOUvernance (discover what is the GRAOUvernance) the Foundation will grant scholarships to young creators in the form of $GRAOU tokens or other crypto assests. They will have the opportunity to also benefit from the media and commercial exposure of the FenuaVerse/DinoVox project.

Exhibiting artists and their creations. Along with the previous point the pieces of the supported artists will benefit from a wide exposure : interview and AMA on the FenuaVerse networks, exhibitions in the digital environment of the project (common buildings and places, dedicated exhibition locations on the MOTU and FAAPU…).

Integration to the DinoVox conservation fund. A conservation fund with its own treasury, managed by the Foundation, will collect and regroup pieces of art in the purpose to hold and protect along with creations gifted or traded with artists in a similar cooperative model.

In the end, the DinoVox Foundation will offer a modern and updated version of patronage by supporting the creation and retaining pieces of art, while being in a position to support the digital art sector.

Partnerships with existing museums and institutions will eventually take place in order to also open the door to the traditional actors of exhibition and conservation.

Aligned with the roots of the DinoVox project/FenuaVerse, a dedicated attention will be focused on the promotion of art and creation in french Polynesia. Indeed, the project has a prime target to make the « Fenua » a excellence laboratory and source of inspiration to support the Web3 growth.

Advantages for the artists

As said before the conservation funds of the Foundation will be filled from different sources :

• The acquisition of pieces of particular interest, own treasury

• Gifts from individuals and professionals, in a conservation dynamic

Partnerships with artists and creators

In case of partnership the artist will consent to fill the fund of the Foundation with or without counterpart.

These counterparts for the artist could be (but are not limited to) :

• Exhibition, permanent or transitory in public or private places of the FenuaVerse

• Presentation and promotion of the artist by different means (« artist of the month », interview as podcast or AMA, papers…)

• Virtual exhibitions of pieces of art in the FenuaVerse, linked to physical exhibition around the world

Basically, entering the conservation fund of the DinoVox Foundation will be the guarantee for the artists to have their works kept away from speculation (but will grant them a visibility they can monetize).

Working of the Foundation

The DinoVox Foundation will be an autonomous structure with its own budget, issued directly from a substantial part of the $GRAOU tokens allocation.

This allocation will be linearly vested, over 13 years (could be updated, refer to the applicable White Paper and tokenomics for more details).

The usage of theses funds will be decided by a balanced mix of decisions made by the executive team in charge of the DinoVox project and actions of the community GRAOUvernance (information, counsel, DAO vote).

As a matter of fact the outcome will be arbitrated and driven by the comitee in charge of the Foundation supervision, vouching for its independance and proper functioning.

This comitee (with specific status) will eventually include artists, DinoVox community members, association representatives or members from the civil society, companies or from the broad artistic and cultural domain.

The DinoVox Foundation is not going to be « for the show » or a morale guarantee hidding the seeking of profit ans commercial growth.

Through its autonomy, own funding and mecanics, the DinoVox Foundation is purposed to be the heart and soul of the FenuaVerse by the justness of the causes it will defend and protect and the exhibition of a common universal heritage reaching beyond the boundaries of the polynesian lagoon.




Adopt a #NFT DinoVox, join the FenuaVerse community, land on a mysterious island and start building your adventure