Mint TRIAS: Install xPortal and buy my first DinoVox NFT

Published in
7 min readJun 16, 2024

DinoVox makes Web3 and crypto accessible to as many people as possible. In this context, the project made a certain number of technical choices, in particular that of building on the MultiverseX ecosystem, renowned for its robustness, security and ergonomics, particularly for beginners.

However, “starting from 0” is neither obvious nor shameful (we have all been there). It could therefore be that you are both interested in what DinoVox is doing, while remaining a little insecure. withdrawal, faced with the apparent complexity of the concepts, the new language, the somewhat exotic tools…

This little tutorial is therefore made for you! It will allow you to take your first steps as an apprentice T-Rex in this exciting ecosystem, while being ready for the mint (creation, sale) of NFT DinoVox “TRIAS”, Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 7 p.m. CET (7 a.m., French Polynesia time).

Preamble: a little vocabulary

  • Blockchain : decentralized and distributed network on which it is possible to exchange information and value, without a central authority or trusted third party.
  • MultiversX : name of the blockchain network used by DinoVox. Its native cryptocurrency is EGLD, it allows transactions and transaction fees to be paid.
  • NFT or SFT: Non-Fungible Token, or Semi-Fungible Token: this is a technical standard for issuing digital assets on a blockchain. DinoBoxes (closed BOXes) are SFTs , DinoVox (dinos, once taken out of their BOX), are NFTs .
  • Mint : it is the operation of creating/purchasing an SFT/NFT, we sometimes speak of “minting” as we would mint a currency
  • Reveal : the moment when a DinoBox “reveals” its DinoVox (this operation is done at the request of its holder a few days after the mint, and it is possible to keep the BOXes closed)
  • Holder (or holdeur): from the English verb “to hold” = holder, owner of a digital asset
  • Wallet, or portfolio: the application that secures your digital assets (cryptocurrencies, NFT, SFT)
  • xPortal : the reference wallet on MultiversX, works on smartphones
  • Public address, or public key (or @herotag): the address to which funds can be sent to you
  • Private key/seed/passphrase: information allowing you to access your wallet, or to reconstitute it if necessary: ​​confidential!

1. Install a wallet xPortal

Important: the DinoVox mint TRIAS will take place exclusively on the official website (and nowhere else, watch out for counterfeits!).

There are several ways to mint a DinoVox NFT, this article however takes the side of having you install and use the xPortal smartphone application , the best possible choice in terms of ergonomics and simplicity if you are a beginner.

Download the xPortal app

You can either use this link , or scan the QR Code below, then let yourself be guided.

Note that this link is affiliate , and will earn you a bonus on your first purchase of $EGLD token , the crypto-asset used on the MultiversX network.

Install xPortal and link your phone number

After a quick introduction, xPortal will ask you for confirmation of your phone number.

An SMS is immediately sent to your smartphone, to be entered in the application.

Secure your passphrase and create your Herotag

Choose a quiet moment and a quiet (and discreet) place to secure the 24 words that constitute what we call a “seed”.

This series of words in English will allow you to replenish your wallet in the event of problems with your phone for example (breakage, theft, change of device, etc.).

This information (all 24 words, in order) is your most valuable asset! Do not share it with anyone, under any circumstances, and store it separately in a safe place.

Note that we recommend “cold” storage (“Manual backup” option), via the good old paper-pencil duo, followed by a safe place), rather than using the “save to Google Drive” option also offered by the application.

At the same time, xPortal invites you to create your “ Herotag ”.

The Herotag is a cool and very handy tool, the details of which you can discover later.

For now, just create it as “@pseudotropbadass”. Capital letters, spaces, special characters and numbers are not accepted.

Keep in mind that it will no longer be possible to modify this herotag: choose wisely! :-)

2. Credit xPortal with some $EGLD

It’s done ! XPortal is now installed on your smartphone, and you can take the time to visit the different corners of the application.

Indeed, xPortal is not only a crypto wallet for sending and receiving $EGLD cryptocurrencies, but a real embedded terminal, rich in numerous features.

These features include a Web3 news platform, tracking of your favorite crypto-assets, management of your NFTs, swap and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) mechanics, a gateway to xMoney (MultiversX banking solution, with payment card), decentralized and encrypted messaging, and much more.

But for now, let’s talk a little, let’s talk GRAOU, you need $EGLD tokens to prepare the TRIAS mint!

Buy $EGLD via MoonPay or Ramp (directly with xPortal) or directly by VISA or Mastercard

Go to the “Buy” section on the main view of the application.

1. By VISA or Mastercard

Select the desired amount in euros, the conversion to $EGLD appears (check the amount in $EGLD that you will need, using the price table located a little further down in the article, the mint of a DinoVox is offered at 1.4 $EGLD/NFT during the “PUBLIC SALE” phase).

Select “CREDIT/DEBIT CARD” then “Add new card”.

Finally, enter your card identifiers and let yourself be guided. A 1.49% fee applies to the transaction.

2. Via Moonpay, transaction or Ramp

On the main purchasing page, click “other supplier”.

Then select Moonpay, transak or Ramp , then follow the instructions.

The process differs a little depending on the service provider you select, but remains fundamentally the same:

  • Registration of an email address;
  • Receipt of a confirmation code by email to be entered on-app;
  • Selection of a payment method: VISA or Mastercard (it is also possible to make a bank transfer );
  • Provision of payment information and validation of the transaction (the path may differ depending on your payment method, but you will be guided throughout the entire process).

Fees range from 2.5% to 3.99% of the amount of your purchase (rate at the time of writing).

After payment, the tokens are sent within a period of a few hours to a few minutes.

From a centralized platform or other wallet containing $EGLD

It is possible that you already have $EGLD tokens on Binance, Kraken or Coinbase for example (or that you prefer to use these platforms to purchase tokens).

If so, things are just as simple and quick.

You will just need to retrieve your public xPortal wallet address, visible here:

All that remains is to enter this address (which begins with “erd…”) on your favorite crypto platform in the “withdrawal” or “withdrawal” part of the exchange, and transfer $EGLD tokens to xPortal.

Note that this address is linked to your Herotag and that it will allow you to receive not only $EGLD, but also multiple other cryptocurrencies from the MultiverseX environment and even NFT/SFT, with ease.

Ready to GRAOU !

At this point, your xPortal app wallet is installed , and comfortably stocked with enough $EGLD tokens to make the GRAOU in you roar.

All you have to do is wait for the PUBLIC SALE phase to open on Thursday June 2024, at 7 p.m. CET.

See you again on the FenuaVerse!

Want to know more, or ask any questions you can? Join the community Discord and follow DinoVox on X , Facebook and Instagram

And if you haven’t adopted a DinoVox yet, a few specimens were recently seen here.




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